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DriveWorks Pro 22
File System Jobs

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File System Jobs

The File System Category focuses on jobs related to file and data management.

These jobs will perform file and folder tasks and also send data to other systems using HTTP Request.

Each job will send an email notification detailing the success of the task.

The jobs available in this category are:

Copy File

This job allows a file to be copied and saved to a new location.

Use this task to create backups of files.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

File Source PathThe path to the source file. [Machine Name]\Content\ & DWVariableOldFileName & .txt
File Destination PathThe path to the destination file. "[Machine Name]\Generated\" & DWVariableNewFileName & ".txt"
Move FileTRUE to move the file, FALSE to copy it.TRUE (checked)
Overwrite Existing TRUE to overwrite the destination file if it already exists, FALSE to leave it alone. FALSE (unchecked)

Copy Folder

This job allows a folder to be copied and saved to a new location.

Use this task to create backups of folders.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

Folder Source PathThe path to the source folder. "[Machine Name]\Content\" & DWVariableOldFolderName & ".txt"
Folder Destination PathThe path to the destination file."[Machine Name]\Generated\" & DWVariableNewFolderName &".txt"
Move FolderTRUE to move the folder, FALSE to copy it.TRUE (checked)
Overwrite Existing TRUE to overwrite the destination folder if it already exists, FALSE to leave it alone. FALSE (unchecked)

Delete File

This job allows a file to be deleted.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

File Source PathThe path to the file to be deleted."C:\MyFiles\" & DWVariableFileToDelete

Delete Folder

This job allows a folder to be deleted.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

Folder Source PathThe path to the folder to be deleted."C:\MyFiles\" & DWVariableFolderToDelete

Send HTTP Request

This task will send an HTTP Rest request to a web service.

This allows data to be sent to other company systems.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

URL The URL where the web request should be sent.
  • This should be set to the listening endpoint of the REST service. (e.g. https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/xml)
  • Some services may require query string parameters to be added to the URL (e.g.https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/xml?originsThelwall&destinations=Warrington)
Verb The resource action to perform. The task will accept any valid request verb; the most common being:
  • POST - mostly used to send data to an external service
  • GET - mostly used to read data from an external source
  • PUT - usually used for updating data
  • DELETE - as you would expect
Headers A pipe-delimited list of headers to be sent with the request. Each key-value pair should be separated with the pipe symbol ( | ) and each pair must separate the key and value with a colon character ( : )
  • For example, the string "content-type:text/xml | Accept:text/json" would represent 2 pairs, with the keys content-type and Accept
  • DriveWorks will automatically set the user agent (DriveWorks + Version Number) but this can be overridden with a user-specified value if required.
Body The HTTP request body. Request Body cannot be set with a GET or HEAD request; therefore anything entered in this field when these Verbs are set will be omitted from the request. DWVariableOAuthReqBody

Zip Folder

This task creates a Zip File of the specified folder file path.

This task allows you to choose if you would like to overwrite an existing file if it already exists or not. This task is useful for making backups and sending large amounts of data from one location to another.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

Folder to ZipThe full file path of the folder that will be zipped. "C:\MyDocuments\Specifications\ZIPFolder\Documents" &DWSpecificationId&".zip"
Folder Destination PathThe path to the destination file. "[Machine Name]\Generated\" & DWVariableNewFolderName & ".txt"
Destination File PathThe full file path of the destination file location."C:\MyDocuments\BackUps\DWSpecificationId”
Overwrite Existing TRUE to overwrite an existing Zip, FALSE to keep the existing file. FALSE (unchecked)


Learn more about the technology that powers these jobs: