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DriveWorks Pro 22

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Gets the Group setting with the given name.


GetGroupSetting([Setting Name])


Setting Name is the name of the Group setting to retrieve.


GetGroupSetting("DefaultSpecificationFolder")C:\DriveWorks\SpecificationsReturns the value of the General setting - Default Specification Folder
GetGroupSetting("GroupContentFolder")C:\DriveWorks\ContentReturns the value of the General setting - Group Content Folder
GetGroupSetting("OverwriteReleasedComponents")1Returns the value of the General setting - Overwrite released model data
1 is True, 0 is False
GetGroupSetting("CanEditCompletedSpecifications")0Returns the value of the General setting - Allow existing specifications to be edited
1 is True, 0 is False
GetGroupSetting("DXFFolder")C:\DriveWorks\Specifications\DXFReturns the value of the SOLIDWORKS setting - Flat pattern DXF output folder
GetGroupSetting("eDrawingsHTML")0Returns the value of the SOLIDWORKS setting - Create HTML of eDrawings files
1 is True, 0 is False
GetGroupSetting("CustomPropertiesInAllConfigurations")1Returns the value of the SOLIDWORKS setting - Drive custom properties in all configurations
1 is True, 0 is False
GetGroupSetting("Common\Generation\UseZoomToFit")1Returns the value of the SOLIDWORKS setting - Automatically zoom to fit
1 is True, 0 is False
GetGroupSetting("Common\Generation\BatchDriving")1Returns the value of the SOLIDWORKS setting - Batch delete instances and components
1 is True, 0 is False