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DriveWorks Pro 22
How To: Troubleshoot Floating Licenses (KB20112701)

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How To: Troubleshoot Floating Licenses

This topic gives solutions to resolve issues with Floating (Network) Licenses.

For troubleshooting issues with a Fixed License please see How To: Troubleshoot Fixed Licenses.

Problem Codes

The Floating License Retrieval Failed dialog will give a Problem Code when the issue can be identified.

The table below lists the common causes of retrieval issues and recommends a course of action to rectify the problem.

Problem Code: -4


  • Maximum number of licenses reached.


  • Ensure all purchased license codes have been activated.
  • Return any licenses that are not in use.
  • Obtain additional licenses. Contact your DriveWorks Reseller.

Problem Code: -5


  • No such feature exists.


  • Check the version of DriveWorks used and the license codes activated on the License Manager machine.
  • If you have a later version of DriveWorks than the activated license codes on the License Manager machine obtain your new code from your reseller.

Problem Code: -9


  • Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file.


  • Check the Status of the license on the License Manager machine.

    See License Management for information on the Status of license codes.

  • Check the server address details entered.

Problem Code: -15


  • Cannot connect to license server system.


Problem Code: -96


  • License server machine is down or not responding.


Problem Code: -97


  • The desired vendor daemon is down.


Couldn't Obtain Floating License

When connecting to DriveWorks License Manager to obtain a network license you may see this message.

This topic covers the possible reasons for this and how to resolve them.

License Unavailable

Common causes of licenses being unavailable include:

  • License not activated on the DriveWorks License Manager.

    See Floating License Server Licenses for information about this.

  • The license on the DriveWorks License Manager is not a valid license.

    Check the application trying to connect to the network license with the code that has been activated on the DriveWorks License Manager.

    See Info: Identifying Activation Codes for information on license codes.

  • The license on the DriveWorks License Manager is Untrusted.

    Check the Floating License Server Licenses for information on each the Status of code.

    See License Management for information on the Status of license codes.

  • The Network License Service has not been started on the DriveWorks License Manager.

    See Floating License Server for information on starting the license service.

    If any firewall setting have been changed since the service was started, stop and restart the service.

Firewall Preventing Access

Only the firewall on the DriveWorks License Manager machine needs to be adjusted.

DriveWorks floating licenses require two routes of contact with the license server:

  1. Discovery port

    By default, DriveWorks always requires inbound TCP 27000 to make the License Server discoverable.

    If this is already in use it can be changed in the DriveWorks License Manager, see Floating License Server Licenses for information on how to do this.

  2. Communication port

    Dynamic by default meaning this port constantly changes.

There are two methods of adjusting firewall settings so DriveWorks applications can obtain a license from the DriveWorks License Manager machine.

Both methods require the discovery port to be added to the firewall:

  1. Open the Firewall application on the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed
  2. Add TCP port 27000 to the inbound list of exceptions

    The port number allocated in DriveWorks License Manager and the port number added to the Firewall exception must match.

After adding the discovery port choose one of the following options that best suits your IT policy:

Both of these options are version specific and will require to be updated on upgrading to the next major version of DriveWorks.

  • Add the DriveWorks Licensing applications to the list of exceptions.
    1. Open the Firewall application on the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed
    2. Add the DriveWorks Licensing Daemon program to the list of exceptions

      C:\Program Files\DriveWorks\[Version]\lmgrd.exe

      [Version] is the full version number of the installed version of DriveWorks.

      For example:

    3. Add the DriveWorks Core Application program to the list of exceptions

      C:\Program Files\DriveWorks\[Version]\drivewks.exe

      [Version] is the full version number of the installed version of DriveWorks.

      For example:

  • Set the communication port to a static port and add the port to the list of exceptions:
    1. Locating the Licenses.lic file


      [Version] is the full version number of the installed version of DriveWorks.

      For example:

    2. Open the file in a text editor (Notepad)
    3. Specifying a port after the Vendor declaration

      Original Licenses.lic file

      SERVER this_host ANY
      VENDOR drivewks

      Modified Licenses.lic file

      SERVER this_host ANY
      VENDOR drivewks PORT=28001

      This forces the DriveWorks License Manager to use TCP port 28001 as the communication port.

      The ports cannot be the same as the License Manager port (27000).

    4. Open the Firewall application on the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed
    5. Add TCP port 28001 to the inbound list of exceptions

      The port number allocated in the Licenses.lic file and the port number added to the Firewall exception must match.

Cannot see DriveWorks License Manager

Common causes stopping the machine from seeing the DriveWorks License Manager machine include:

  • Incorrect server information added to the Licensing Wizard for the DriveWorks application trying to communicate with DriveWorks License Manager

    See table below for examples of server names.

  • Incorrect port number identified.

    If the discovery port has been changed on the DriveWorks License Manager machine it will need to be identified in the server path name on the machine obtaining the network license.

    See table below for examples of server names.

Example Server Names

Server Name ExampleDescription
MyserverUse when default discovery port 27000 is in use on the DriveWorks License Manager.

And the machine with the DriveWorks application trying to obtain the network license is on the same domain as the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed.

28000@MyServerUse when default discovery port 27000 has been changed on the DriveWorks License Manager (replace 28000 with the port number selected on the DriveWorks License Manager).

And the machine with the DriveWorks application trying to obtain the network license is on the same domain as the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed.

MyServer.DomainName.localUse when default discovery port 27000 is in use on theDriveWorks License Manager.

And the machine with the DriveWorks application trying to obtain the network license is on a different domain to the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed.

28000@MyServer.DomainName.localUse when default discovery port 27000 has been changed on the DriveWorks License Manager (replace 28000 with the port number selected on the DriveWorks License Manager).

And the machine with the DriveWorks application trying to obtain the network license is on a different domain to the machine with DriveWorks License Manager installed.

Network License Status Types

The License Manager displays the status of each Network License that has been activated on the machine.


The status is shown as Active when the license is valid and healthy.



  • The status is shown as Expired for Evaluation Licenses that have expired.


  • Acquire a permanent license



A license can become untrusted for a number of reasons, the more common of which are:

  • When a machine has been restored from a backup
  • When a machine has had key hardware components added or replaced
  • When time and date settings have been altered
  • When the MAC address of a machine changes (can occur on VM's that do not have a static MAC address assigned)
  • When Windows updates have affected trusted storage


  • Return the machines time and date settings to its original state
  • Run the Repair License function.
  • Return the license and try reactivating
  • When the license is activated on a VM:

    Ensure the VM has a static MAC address assigned

If the above solutions fail to clear the untrusted status contact your reseller for support in repairing the untrusted license.

Knowledge Base Article Ref: KB20112701