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DriveWorks V16 SP1 Information

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DriveWorks V16 SP1 Information

32bit (x86) Support

DriveWorks 16 will be the last major version to support 32bit (x86) operating systems.

Only 64bit (x64) will be supported from DriveWorks 17 onwards.

Current Macro Click Position

This only applies when DriveWorks is used on a system that does not use a point (.) as a decimal separator.

Prior versions of DriveWorks used the current culture for the Current Macro Click Position, from DriveWorks 16.1 the value will be in the invariant culture in line with the rest of DriveWorks.

This means that a conversion is no longer required to use this value in rules.

Set Document Node Static Transform Task

This only applies when DriveWorks is used on a system that does not use a point (.) as a decimal separator.

Prior versions of DriveWorks used the current culture for the Set Document Node Static Transform Task, from DriveWorks 16.1 the values for position, scale, and rotation will be in the invariant culture in line with the rest of DriveWorks.

This means that a conversion is no longer required to use this task.

DriveWorks Live Security Enhancement

DriveWorks 16.1 includes an enhancement that adds a new setting specifically for when HTML files are created and presented to a user in the DriveWorks Live Specification Details Module.

This addresses a potential security risk whereby, if someone knew the names of other files in the same folder or sub folder, they would be able to view them or download them (depending on the file type).

It is important to note that it would never have been possible to view a list of the files in the location.

This enhancement involves the following:

  1. For any document other than HTML, DriveWorks will not permit any other files within that folder to be retrieved.
  2. For HTML files DriveWorks requires a way to serve other content used in the HTML file, such as images. For this we have introduced a Group level setting that allows relative content to be served for HTML files. If this is checked then all files relative to the HTML file will be available to be viewed.

    See the setting Allow relative content for HTML files for more information.

  3. If the setting is unchecked then DriveWorks will retrieve all <src> and <href> attributes in the HTML file and check any requested file against this. If a match is found then DriveWorks will allow that file to be served, otherwise it won't.
  4. Regardless of whether the Group setting is checked or unchecked, DriveWorks will prevent the download of any .driveprojx, .drivespec or .drivegroup files when trying to view a HTML document.
HTML Documents must be located in their own folder

If this setting is unchecked, we would recommend creating all html files (and any required content) into their own sub folder.