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DriveWorks Pro 22
Quote Document (Français)

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Quote Document (Français)

Creates a customizable quote in French.

The Document uses a XML master file to allow data to be driven into it, and then uses a transform script to create a HTML file for viewing.

This template will add the following to the Project:

  • Variables - Stored in a category named Common.
  • Variables - Stored in a category with the name given to the Document.

The Quotation Document Template will create a HTML file which is viewable in a web browser.

Document generation is triggered in the Specification Flow by the Release Documents task.

Add the Quote Document (Français) Document

In DriveWorks Administrator open the Project the Document is to be added to and go to Stage4: Output Rules then Documents - Files and scroll down to Template.

  1. Click the Add button on the command bar.
  2. Choose the Quote Document (Français) from the Document Templates list on the Add Document wizard.
  3. Give the new Document a name and click Finish.

Edit the Quote Document (Français) Document

Once the Document has been added it will open in edit mode where various options and the parameters that hold the data can be driven.


The Options can be minimized to allow more Document parameters in view.

Click the arrow next to the Options heading to toggle between minimized and maximized mode.

The Options available for editing include:

  • Master File - The location and name of the master file any new Document is created from.
  • Document Name - The name that will be applied to the new Document.

    By default the rule given is <Document Name> & DWSpecification & ".html"

    The Document Name will need to be unique if all Documents are stored in the same location. Otherwise existing Documents will be overwritten.

    If the Document is not required to be created for a Specification the rule must result in one of the following:

    delete, suppress, false, <delete>, <suppress> or <false>

  • Document Path - The location the new Document will be stored.

    By default the rule given is blank, meaning it will be stored with the Specification.

  • Hide From Document List - Check to not display the new Document in the Documents List for a Specification.


The parameters that allow data to be driven into the Document are listed below the options.

The list of parameters can be filtered by using the Filter Box above the list. To learn how to use filters see How To Use Filters.

Each parameter has a pre-defined rule applied. The rule is either the name of a Variable or a rule that uses the name of a Variable.

Each parameter can have its pre-defined rule modified by selecting the parameter and clicking build to launch the Rule Builder. However we recommend modifying the Variables to get the required results.

  • To modify the Variable - select the parameter and click the Build button from the command bar. When the Rule Builder opens, right click the Variable and select Edit Variable.

Modifying Images and XML

The images used in the Document can be modified by replacing the existing images with your own.

A folder will be created in the Project location with the name:

<Document Name> Quote Document (Français)

This folder will contain the files Devis.xml, logo.png and a sub folder named Content.

The Content folder contains the file DevisTransform.xslt

Replace the images described above with your own to allow them to be used in each Document created.

More advanced customizations can be done if you are familiar with XML and XSLT by modifying the corresponding files in the locations described above.