If you implemented Linked Items prior to DriveWorks 22.0 you will need to make various updates to your Linked Items as per the instructions below.
You should take a backup of your existing Custom Item Project before attempting these changes.
This Help Topic cannot account for every possible customization that you have made to your Project. You may need to adapt some of these instruction to your implementation. If you are unsure, please contact your DriveWorks Reseller for guidance.
Your Form should look something like the following:
Name | Value |
OrderItemId | DWVariableOrderItemId |
Price | DWVariableCurrencyCorrectedUnitPrice |
Quantity | QuantityReturn |
Description | DWVariableItemDescription |
Discount | DiscountReturn |
OrderId | DWVariableOrderId |
OrderRevision | DWVariableOrderRevision |
Column Name |
Id |
ItemId |
LinkedItemId |
PriceId |
Price |
PriceListItemId |
Description |
Quantity |
DiscountAmount |
SpecificationId |
ParentOrderItemId |
OrderItemId |
Document 1
Field Name | Field Type | Is Captured |
Id | Normal | Yes |
ItemId | Control | Yes |
LinkedItemId | Normal | Yes |
PriceId | Normal | No |
Price | Normal | No |
PriceListItemId | Normal | No |
Description | Normal | No |
Quantity | Normal | Yes |
DiscountAmount | Normal | Yes |
SpecificationId | Normal | No |
ParentOrderItemId | Normal | No |
OrderItemId | Normal | No |
Add one row to the table and create the following rules for the cells.
Column | Rule |
Id | DWVariableStoreStandardLinkedItemIdExisting |
ItemId | DWVariableStoreStandardLinkedItemItemId |
LinkedItemId | DWVariableStoreStandardLinkedItemLinkedItemId |
Quantity | DWVariableStoreStandardLinkedItemQuantity |
DiscountAmount | DWVariableStoreStandardLinkedItemDiscountAmount |
Document 2
Field Name | Field Type | Is Captured |
Id | Control | Yes |
ItemId | Normal | Yes |
LinkedItemId | Normal | Yes |
PriceId | Normal | No |
Price | Normal | Yes |
PriceListItemId | Normal | No |
Description | Normal | Yes |
Quantity | Normal | Yes |
DiscountAmount | Normal | Yes |
SpecificationId | Normal | Yes |
ParentOrderItemId | Normal | No |
OrderItemId | Normal | Yes |
Add one row to the table and create the following rules for the cells.
Column | Rule |
Id | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemId |
ItemId | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemItemId |
LinkedItemId | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemLinkedItemId |
Price | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemPrice |
Description | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemDescription |
Quantity | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemQuantity |
DiscountAmount | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemDiscount |
SpecificationId | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemSpecificationId |
OrderItemId | DWVariableStoreLinkedCustomItemOrderItemId |
Document 3
Field Name | Field Type | Is Captured |
Id | Control | Yes |
ItemId | Normal | No |
LinkedItemId | Normal | No |
PriceId | Normal | No |
Price | Normal | No |
PriceListItemId | Normal | No |
Description | Normal | No |
Quantity | Normal | No |
DiscountAmount | Normal | No |
SpecificationId | Normal | Yes |
ParentOrderItemId | Normal | No |
OrderItemId | Normal | Yes |
Add one row to the table and create the following rules for the cells.
Column | Rule |
Id | ListGetItem(DWCurrentMacroArgument,1) |
SpecificationId | ListGetItem(DWCurrentMacroArgument,2) |
OrderItemId | ListGetItem(DWCurrentMacroArgument,3) |
Name = LinkedItemDataToAdd
Rule = DWVariableCSVLinkedItemsDataToAdd
Name = LinkedItemDataToStore
Rule = DWVariableLinkedItemDataToStore
As mentioned at the start of this page, this Help Topic cannot account for every possible customization that you have made to your Project. You may need to adapt some of these instruction to your implementation. If you are unsure, please contact your DriveWorks Reseller for guidance.