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DriveWorks Pro 22
IIS Management

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IIS Management

IIS Management allows a DriveWorks Live Site to be easily added to Internet Information Services (IIS).

It also controls the status of added Application Pools, and allows them to be easily recycled (when changes have been made to the configuration files).

The Add Site wizard makes the process of adding a site to IIS significantly easier by removing all of the mandatory options and only requesting the custom choices.

Add Site

Adding a site requires Internet Information Services to be installed on the machine running DriveWorks Live.

Please see How To: Install Internet Information Services (IIS) for more information.

To add a site to IIS:

  1. Launch DriveWorks Live (on the machine hosting IIS) and select Stage 3: IIS > IIS Management
  2. Click Add Site.
  3. In the Site Name: field, enter a name by which the website will be known.

    This name identifies the site only, it does not appear externally, although it is good practice to use the same name as your site (for instance www.driveworkslive.com).

    Invalid Characters

    When any invalid characters are entered a warning will appear and the wizard navigation buttons will be disabled.

  4. Select the Application Pool Name, choose from:
    • Create a New Application Pool

      Select this to create a new Application Pool.

      Invalid Characters

      When any invalid characters are entered a warning will appear and the wizard navigation buttons will be disabled.

    • Use an Existing Application Pool

      Select this to use an Application Pool previously added to IIS.

  5. Select the Application Pool Identity.

    This should be the login credentials DriveWorks Live was installed and run under on the machine IIS is being set up on.

    Choose from:

    • Built-in account

      Select this to choose a pre-existing IIS account.

      Select the account and click Next.

    • Custom Account

      Select this to use a specific user account.

      Enter the required credentials and click Next.

  6. Select the required Theme the website will use.

    If any IIS components are missing for the selected Theme these will be listed in a message box.

    Please review the topic How To: Install Internet Information Services (IIS) to install the requested components.

    The Integration Theme requires the .NET Core Hosting Bundle to be installed.

    Please see Install the ASPNetCore Module for more information.

    Click Next.

  7. Add Bindings

    Set the Protocol to either:

    • http (not recommended)
    • https (highly recommended, a SSL certificate will be required before going into production)

    Set the Port:

    Port 80 is the default port for http traffic and 443 for https.

    If these ports are in use by another web service on your web server, these may need to change to the next available port.

    For more on assigning bindings to sites, please see the TechNet article Add a Binding to a Site.

    Host Name:

    Enter the url of the hosted site, for example:


    Add the SSL Certificate (If using https):

    • Under SSL certificate, select an SSL Certificate to use with the website.

      For testing purposes, the built in self-signed certificate can be used.

      For production, we strongly recommend an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority.

  8. Click Finish to apply the Site into IIS

Application Pools

The main view displays all of the Application Pools in IIS.

Any default Application Pools or those not related to DriveWorks Live are grayed out and sites cannot be controlled by DriveWorks Live.

Start/ Stop the Application Pool

Select the Application Pool from the main view and click the Start or Stop button.

Recycle the Application Pool

When changes have been made to any of the source files of the DriveWorks Live Theme the Application Pool will require recycling.

Select the Application Pool from the main view and click the Recycle button.