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DriveWorks Pro 22
How To: Troubleshoot Documents (KB13022702)

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How To: Troubleshoot Documents

This article gives solutions for common issues associated with Document Generation.

There was a problem sending the command to the program.

When DriveWorks loads an Excel document or attempts to generate a HTML preview, you may see the following message:

The cause of this is Microsoft Excels ability to interact with other applications through custom written functions and code, which is know as Dynamic Data Exchange.

This setting, in Microsoft Excel, is turned on by default. To turn off the setting:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and launch Excel Options (from the Office button in Excel 2007 or later)
  2. Select Advanced and locate the General section
  3. Deselect the option Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

Failed to create a preview for this Document. There may be a problem with this document's plugin. Error: "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC"

If the Excel document contains missing or broken references the following message will appear when attempting to preview the document:

To correct this issue:

  1. Close the DriveWorks project that contains the Excel document.
  2. Open the document that cannot be previewed directly in Microsoft Excel.
  3. In Excel activate the 'Formulas' tab.
  4. Launch the 'Name Manager' dialog and check for any #Ref values. Any #Ref values or any invalid Named Ranges should be fixed/deleted.
  5. Save the Excel document and close.
  6. Open the project in DriveWorks and Edit the document in Stage 4. Output Rules> Documents. Click Refresh in the Named Ranges section.

General Document Not Created or Missing Issues

Common causes of documents not being created include:

  • Document hidden from list

    Not applicable for Email or ODBC Data Export documents.

    1. In the DriveWorks Administrator task explorer select Stage 4. Output Rules>Documents.
    2. Select the document that is not showing in the Documents list.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Review the General Setting - Hide from document list
  • Output -File Name

    The File Name rule could be preventing creation - See How To: Diagnose Project Issues Using Specification Test Mode

    Check the Document Name rule for:

    • Use of illegal characters in the result of the Document Name parameter
    • The Document Name parameter equals "Delete". This will not produce the document.
  • Output File Path

    The Document Path rule could be preventing creation - See How To: Diagnose Project Issues Using Specification Test Mode

    Check the Document Path rule for:

    • Use of illegal characters in the result of the Document Path parameter.
    • If the Document Path parameter is located on a network drive, ensure the machine has access to that location.
    • If the Document Path parameter is located on a network drive, ensure the user logged onto the machine has permission to write to that location.
  • Document Master File

    If the data has been moved the document master file could be missing.

    1. Select the document from the documents list of Stage 4. Output Rules > Documents in DriveWorks Administrator
    2. Click Edit
    3. In the Master File section, click Browse at the end of the Path field
    4. Browse to the new location of the master document

Export Form Document

The Export Form Image is Blank or Black

This applies when the Export Form Document is run from DriveWorks Live through IIS.


This occurs when the Application Pool Identity (in IIS) has incorrect permissions.

This Application Pool Identity should be a valid Windows User account that does not have administrative privilege's.

This avoids potential security risks for certain DriveWorks Live features that require IIS to access the WebView runtime application.


When using the Integration Theme

Ensure the Application Pool Identity is a Windows User that does not have administrative privilege's.

When using the Web Theme

Ensure the Application Pool Identity is a Windows User that does not have administrative privilege's.

There was a problem saving the exported form image. Unable to export the form. This may be caused by an unsupported environment.


The Export Form Document will cause the above message (in the Specification Report) when the Application Pool Identity (in IIS) has incorrect permissions.


Ensure the Application Pool Identity is a Windows User that does not have administrative privilege's.