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DriveWorks Pro 22
New Project Wizard

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New Project Wizard

The new project wizard allows the creation of a project within a group.

The following options exist within the wizard:

  • New DriveWorks Project
  • Product Template
  • Import DriveWorks Solo Project
  • Import DriveWorksXpress Project

provides support for creating new blank projects or new projects from existing DriveWorksXpress or DriveWorks Solo projects.

Best Practices

It is recommended creating all projects in a common directory structure, for example:




When creating projects in an Individual Group, we recommended creating sub-directories for each project from the location of the group.

Please see Info: Where To Store DriveWorks Data for information on where to store the data associated to a DriveWorks implementation.

New DriveWorks Project

To create a new DriveWorks Project:

  1. Select the New DriveWorks Project and click Next.

    Double clicking an item in the list will select that item and advance to the next step of the wizard.

  2. Browse to an empty folder to create the project in by clicking the Browse button at the end of the Location field and click OK.
  3. By default the Name field will be populated with the same name as the selected directory.

    This can be accepted as the Project Name or a new name entered.

    If a project exists with the same name, or the entered name is invalid, an appropriate message is displayed under the Name field.
  4. Click Finish.

Project Templates

Creates a new Project based on the chosen template, which can be easily modified.

Each of the Templates included in the Product are different in terms of their design and are better suited for different Implementations.

DriveWorks Pro - DriveWorks 3D

The DriveWorks 3D template is a great Template to combine 3D elements with an attractive Configurator.

DriveWorks Pro - Getting Started

The Getting Started template is a simple Project to create a simple but effective DriveWorks Implementation, allowing for data entry.

DriveWorks Pro - Quotation Template

The Quotation Template is an effective Template to create custom Quotation Documents easily based on User Inputs.

DriveWorks Pro - Simple Design Automation

The Simple Design Automation template is great for creating a custom configurator to automate SOLIDWORKS Components.

Product Template

The Product Template is ideally used with Contract and Project Group Template.

CPQ Order Details

This Project Template allows you to change what information is gathered when first creating an order inside CPQ.

This Template is useful if you want to be able to link DriveWorks CPQ with a 3rd Party CRM system.

For more information please see CPQ Order Details.

CPQ Order Fields

This Project Template allows you to add Custom Fields to a DriveWorks CPQ Order.

These additional inputs are shown via a dialog when you are editing and existing CPQ Order.

For more information please see CPQ Order Fields.

CPQ Order Workflow

This Project Template allows you to control what Tasks are run at each Stage of your Order Process.

This Template can be used to export data from a DriveWorks CPQ Order to a 3rd Party system, such as ERP.

A Project created from this Template can then be viewed from the Workflow tab inside the DriveWorks CPQ DriveApp.

For more information please see CPQ Order Workflow.

CPQ Embedded Order

This Template allows the customization of the 'shopping cart' portion of a CPQ DriveApp that is shown using an embedded entry point.

For more information, please see CPQ Embedded Order.

List Data Provider

Creates a new Project based on a Template that can be easily modified.

This Project should be used if you wish to create your own data provider for use in a DriveApp.

Modifying this Template allows you to create an Add/Edit/Delete Project to be used as a Data Provider in a DriveApp List Project.

For more information please see List Data Provider.

Responsive Form Project Template

This template creates a new Project that is responsive and can be easily modified to match your organization's branding and configurator requirements.

A ProjectStyles.css file is used to style some of the Form Controls using CSS. The template applies this by copying a pre-created ProjectStyles.css to the Project file's location.

Image showing the Responsive Form Project Template

For more information please see Responsive Form Project Template.

White-Label Project Template

This template creates a new Project that is responsive and can be easily modified to match your organization's branding and configurator requirements.

For more information please see White-Label Project Template.

Create a new project from a Project Template

From the New Project Wizard:

  1. Select the Product Template and click Next.
  2. Browse to a location the template will be installed by clicking the Browse button at the end of the Location field and click OK.
    The directory must be empty to extract the template.

    An appropriate message is displayed under the Location field if the template cannot be extracted to the selected location.

  3. By default the Name field will be populated with the same name as the selected directory.

    This can be accepted as the Project Name or a new name entered.

    If a project exists with the same name, or the entered name is invalid, an appropriate message is displayed under the Name field.
  4. Click Next to extract the template.
  5. Click Finish once the template has been extracted.

Import DriveWorks Solo Project

For more information on importing projects from DriveWorks Solo, take a look at the Migrate From DriveWorks Solo help topic.

Import DriveWorksXpress Project

For more information on importing projects from DriveWorksXpress, take a look at the Migrate From DriveWorksXpress help topic.