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DriveWorks Pro 22
Info: DriveWorks Limits (KB13010801)

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Info: DriveWorks Limits

This document defines the various limits that apply in various parts of DriveWorks.

SQL Limitations

Some areas of validation in DriveWorks are dependent on SQL Server, SQL Server Express, and SQL Server Compact Edition, an online reference for SQL Server limits is http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143432.aspx. In addition, rules for identifiers for SQL Server 2000 are taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa223962(SQL.80).aspx.

Excel Limitations

When driving Microsoft Excel documents you will be bound by the limits of the application. The following Excel limits are taken from the Office 2007 limits and specifications document at Excel specifications and limits.

Maximum Sheet Name Length32 characters
Maximum Range Name Length255 characters
Maximum Sheet CountLimited by available memory
Maximum Range Names CountLimited by available memory
Maximum Cell Contents Length32,767 charactersOnly 1,024 characters can be displayed in a cell, but the full 32,767 will be seen in the formula bar.
Maximum Length of String in Formula255 charactersThe result of the formula can be longer by breaking up the string in 255 character chunks and using string concatenation.
Maximum Formula Length1,024 characters
Maximum Number of Arguments to a Function30


A DriveWorks group name can be a maximum of 64 characters in length, must start with an alphabetical character, and can contain alphanumeric characters, as well as a dash, underscore, or space.

No leading and/or trailing whitespace may be present.


The maximum length of a user’s name is 259 characters, must begin with an alphabetical character, and be followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters or a space, dash, underscore, full stop, pound sign “’#”, or at sign “@”.

The maximum length of a user’s display name is 259 characters, and may contain any sequence of printable Unicode characters but may not contain leading or trailing whitespace.


The maximum length of a team’s name is 259 characters, must begin with an alphabetical character, and be followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters or a space, dash, underscore, full stop, pound sign “’#”, or at sign “@”.

The maximum length of a team's display name is 259 characters, and may contain any sequence of printable Unicode characters but may not contain leading and/or trailing whitespace.


Project names are constrained by the file system and as such are limited to 259 characters, may not have leading and/or trailing whitespace, and must not be a reserved name.

DriveWorks places no additional limits on project names over and above those imposed by the file system.


Form names are limited to 255 characters, must begin with an alphabetical character, may be followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters as well as spaces and underscores, and must not contain leading or trailing whitespace.


Decisions have the same limits as forms.


Control names are limited to 255 characters, must begin with an alphabetical character, may be followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters as well as underscores, and must not contain whitespace.

Child specification list controls are limited to 19 characters in their name as they require the creation of an additional worksheet, which adds the prefix DWSubResults to the name making a total of 31 characters.

Item List controls are limited to 14 characters in their name as they require the creation of an additional worksheet, which adds the prefix DWItemListResults to the name making a total of 31 characters.


Constant names are limited to 245 characters (255 characters less the 10 character “DWConstant” prefix), must begin with an alphabetical character, may be followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters as well as underscores, and must not contain whitespace.


Variable names are limited to 245 characters (255 characters less the 10 character “DWVariable” prefix), must begin with an alphabetical character, may be followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters, and must not contain whitespace.

Variable Categories

Variable category names are limited in the same way as Forms and Decisions.


Table names are limited to 20 alphanumeric characters and may not start or end with whitespace.


Document names are limited in the same way as Forms and Decisions.

The two internal Excel spreadsheet documents (i.e. imported sheets and new sheets) which are still supported in V7 for backward compatibility reasons, both have independent limits for the sheet they create which has a maximum length for its name of 31 characters.

Specification Properties

Specification properties are limited in the same way as forms and decisions.

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB13010801