Determines whether to show the performance window over the preview control.
True will show the performance window.
False will hide the performance window.
Property Type: Static
Default Value: No default value is applied to this property
Hierarchical Reference: ControlName.DisplayPerformanceWindow
The Performance Window is displayed in the 3D Preview Control (when activated) in a browser or in any of the client modules of DriveWorks.
It can also be displayed when editing a DriveWorks 3D document by selecting Display Performance Window from the command bar.
It gives key information about the 3D model being displayed. This allows causes of lag in a 3D scene to be diagnosed.
The values given will differ depending on if it's being viewed inside a 3D Preview control in Administrator or in a browser, this is due to differences in how DriveWorks 3D is rendered.
The information shown includes:
Shows the following:
Shows the following:
When viewed in the DriveWorks 3D Document the scene size will include editor sprites (such as lights and cameras).
When viewed in a DriveWorks 3D Preview Control (on a user form) these sprites are not visible and the scene size will reflect this.
This displays all the optimizations that DriveWorks has performed on the 3D Document.
The values displayed will update on a per frame basis.
Value set in Form Designer. Static properties can be made Dynamic by double clicking the gray radio button.