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DriveWorks Pro 22
Render Model

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Render Model - SOLIDWORKS PowerPack

The Render Model Generation Task will create a file containing a rendered image of the model.

PhotoView 360 needs to be activated in add ins for this Generation Task to work.


Property NameDescription
(Name)The unique name for this task.
File ExtensionThe extension of the image file (For example, png, jpg etc). .png will be used if left blank.
FolderThe folder that the new image file will be placed in (Leave blank to use the same folder as the model).
Image FileThe file name of the image file (leave blank to use the model file name).
OverwriteTRUE to overwrite the file if it exists, FALSE to leave the original.
Image HeightImage height in pixels
Image QualityImage quality (0 = Good, 1 = Better, 2 = Best, 3 = Maximum).
Image WidthImage width in pixels.


When this task is added the properties are dynamic by default.
See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property to enable rules to be built on these properties.

Property NameExample RuleExample ResultMeaning
File ExtensionRenderPartImage123.pngLeaving this blank will automatically select .png format.
File Extension"jpg"RenderPartImage123.jpgWill be produce a jpg image file
Folder"C:\My Documents\Specifications\RenderedImages"C:\My Documents\Specifications\RenderedImagesThis is the location of the folder where you wish to store the newly created image files. If this is left blank the same folder as the model will be used.
Image File"RenderPart123"RenderPart123The file name you wish to use. Leaving this blank will use the same file name as the model.
OverWriteTRUETRUEThis will replace an already existing file if it matches
OverWriteFALSEFALSEThis will leave the original file if it already exists.
Image Height600600The Height of the Image in Pixels.
Image Quality00The quality of the image will be Good.
Image Quality33The quality of the image will be set to maximum
Image Width600600The Width of the Image in Pixels

Generation Sequence

This Task can be added to SOLIDWORKS Parts and Assemblies in the following Generation Sequence(s):

  • Pre Drive (will be run before the Main Drive Sequence)
  • Post Drive (will be run after the Main Drive Sequence)