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DriveWorks Pro 22
Info: Special Variables (KB13022101)

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Info: Special Variables

DriveWorks has built in variables known as Special Variables that can be used in rules.

Special Variables are found in the Rule Builder from the Quick Text drop down.

Available Special Variables

Additional Folders

Special Variable Name: DWAdditionalFolders

Returns the result of the rule applied to the Additional Folders setting.




Will return the result of the rule applied to the Additional Folders parameter, for example: DriveWorks\OtherDocs|DriveWorks\OtherDrawings

Current Client Details

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentClientDetails

Will return the user-agent string of the browser in use to the specification.




Will return the user-agent string Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/5.0), for a specification being run through Internet Explorer 9.0 (MSIE 9.0), on a Windows 7 - 64bit operating system (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)

User-Agent Strings

User-agent strings return the following information from the browser:

  • Web browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
  • Web browser version (IE9.0, Firefox 9.0.1, etc.)
  • Operating systems (Windows 7, iOS, etc.)
  • Operating system type (32bit, 64bit)

A lot more information can be present in the user-agent string depending on the browser in use. Given the above criteria and the amount of current options available for each it would be impossible to list all variations of user-agent strings here.

More information can be found from the following external link:

MSDN article - Understanding user-agent strings.

Extracting the User-Agent String

Once you have the user-agent string you may have a specific requirement for a particular token used in the string.

To search the user agent string for the browser or version token could be very involved given the amount of possible variations. However, using the IsMatch function allows the use of regular expressions that will make this process more straightforward.

Please see the function IsMatch for examples of how this is accomplished.

Current Client XR Status

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentClientXRStatus

Returns specific information about the client's VR Setup/Configuration.




Current Client Languages

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentClientLanguages

Returns a list of all of the current installed languages on the client machine that is accessing the DriveWorks project.

The list is returned as a table array.




Will result in the table array {"Languages";"en-US";"en-GB"}.

Where the table has 1 field named "Languages" and 2 entries for the installed languages of "en-US" and "en-GB".

Current Macro Caller

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentMacroCaller

Holds the name of the Macro Button that has been clicked during specification.

To use the result of this special variable in a form control use the Drive Control Value task to drive the value into a user form control.

Current Macro Click Position

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentMacroClickPosition

Holds the result of the click position within the macro button.

The value returned is a pipe delimited string in the format X|Y, so the individual coordinates can be accessed with ListGetItem.



ListGetItem(DWConstantCurrentPosition, 1)

Will return the X coordinate of the click position within the macro button.

The result of this special variable can be used by using its name ( DWCurrentMacroClickPosition) in a rule.

The result can also be driven directly into a form control (see Drive Control Value), a constant (see Drive Constant Value) or even a table by using Specification Macros.

Current Macro Event Argument

Name: DWCurrentMacroEventArgument

Stores information about the event that occurred on the control.

The following controls, support this Special Variable:

  • Check Box
  • Combo Box
  • List Box

When a change occurs to a supported control, and the On Change property is set, the following tabular data will be written to the variable:

NameValue (Example Values given below)Description
NewValueTrue (for Check Box)

Option A (for Combo or List Box)

The new value displayed in the control.
OldValueFalse (for Check Box)

Option B (for Combo or List Box)

The old value of the control.
SourceOne of the following:
  • Click from a mouse.
  • Keyboard from a keyboard.
  • Mouse Wheel from scrolling using the mouse wheel.
  • ClearSelection as a result of the Clear Selection Allowed property being applied.
  • Automatic/Rule as a result of a Override Rule property being applied.
The source from where the change came from.
KeyReturnOnly available when the Source is Keyboard.

The key on the keyboard that was pressed to result in the change.

ButtonOne of the following:
  • Primary - when the button set as the primary button is clicked.
  • Secondary - when the button set as the secondary button is clicked.
  • Zoom - when the zoom button is clicked.
  • Auxiliary - when any non-standard mouse button is clicked.
(Only available when the Source is Click)
ClickPositionX50Only available when the Source is Click.

The position in the X, from the left of the control.

ClickPositionY10Only available when the Source is Click. The position in the Y, from the top of control.

Data can be extracted from this variable by using a Lookup function such as VLookup or DWVLookup.

For example:

VLookup("OldValue", DWCurrentMacroEventArgument, 2, FALSE)TrueWill look for the Name OldValue in the table constructed in the Current Macro Event Argument variable, and return the value from column 2 (the Value column).
Don't use any function that uses an index (row, column number) to return a value. The order of these items may change in the future.

Current Release Loop Index

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentReleaseLoopIndex

Returns the index of the current loop cycle for a Generation Task that has a loop enabled.




Will result in an index number (1 for example) representing the current loop index.

The value of this variable will display 0 in the rule builder.

Once a specification is run the first loop will be 1.

Current State ID

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentStateId

This is a unique identifier of a state that is allocated when a state is created.

This remains the same throughout the life of a state. If the state is renamed the State Id will not change.




Will return the id of the current running state, for example: 18a88d10-8d9c-4910-bfb8-06fa04ab3af2

Current State Name

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentStateName

This has its value set every time a specification transitions to a running state.

If there is only one running state then this value will always be the name of the running state. In the default Specification Flow this will be 'Specify'.




Will return the name of the current running state, for example: Specify

Current User Display Name

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentUserDisplayName

Will return the Display Name of the user logged into the DriveWorks application.

The Display Name for a user is created when applying Security Settings to the group.




Will return the Display Name of the user logged into the DriveWorks application, for example: Admin

When using this special variable and DriveWorks Autopilot is processing specifications, please ensure you have followed the steps in the article How To: Set Current User Special Variables When Using DriveWorks Autopilot.

Current User Email Address

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentUserEmailAddress

Will return the Email Address of the user logged into the DriveWorks application.

The email address for a user is created when applying Security Settings to the group.




Will return the Email Address of the user logged into the DriveWorks application, for example: john@company.com

When using this special variable and DriveWorks Autopilot is processing specifications, please ensure you have followed the steps in the article How To: Set Current User Special Variables When Using DriveWorks Autopilot.

Current User Name

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentUserName

Will return the Login Name of the user logged into the DriveWorks application.

The Login Name for a user is created when applying  Security Settings to the group.




Will return the Login Name of the user logged into the DriveWorks application, for example: Admin

When using this special variable and DriveWorks Autopilot is processing specifications, please ensure you have followed the steps in the article How To: Set Current User Special Variables When Using DriveWorks Autopilot.

Current User Password

Special Variable Name: DWCurrentUserPassword

Will return the password for the user logged into the DriveWorks application.

The password for a user is created when applying Security Settings to the group.




Will return the Password of the user logged into the DriveWorks application, for example: Admin

When using this special variable and DriveWorks Autopilot is processing specifications, please ensure you have followed the steps in the article How To: Set Current User Special Variables When Using DriveWorks Autopilot.

Default Specification Folder

Special Variable Name: DWSpecificationDefaultFolder

Returns the value of the Default Specification Folder setting.




Will return the value of the Default Specification Folder setting, for example: D:\DriveWorks

Form Container Height

Special Variable Name: DWFormContainerHeight

Reports the available height a form is being displayed in.

This is useful when designing user forms to adapt to changes in height on multiple devices.

Linking this special variable to the layout properties of form controls, user forms can dynamically adjust to suit the device the form is being viewed on.

Viewed in Form Design

When viewed in Form Design the special variable reports the height of the available Form Design area. This includes some padding within the form design area.

Viewed in a Browser

When a form is viewed in a browser (via DriveWorks Live) the available height of the browser is reported.

This does include some padding which is different depending on the theme or skin used.

Any factors controlling the container sizes (such as divs where the size is set) will be reported to this variable.

Form Container when viewed in Form DesignForm Container when viewed in a Browser




Will result in the height of the Form Design area while administering a project.

Will result in the height of the browser area when viewed in DriveWorks Live.

Form Container Width

Special Variable Name: DWFormContainerWidth

Reports on the available width a form is being displayed in.

This is useful when designing user forms to adapt to changes in width on multiple devices.

Linking this special variable to the layout properties of form controls, user forms can dynamically adjust to suit the device the form is being viewed on.

Viewed in Form Design

When viewed in Form Design the special variable reports the width of the available Form Design area. This accounts for the Task Explorer on the left and the properties list on the right. It also includes some padding within the form design area.

Viewed in a Browser

When a form is viewed in a browser (via DriveWorks Live) the available width of the browser is reported.

This does include some padding which is different depending on the theme or skin used.

Any factors controlling the container sizes (such as divs where the size is set) will be reported to this variable.

Form Container when viewed in Form DesignForm Container when viewed in a Browser




Will result in the width of the Form Design area while administering a project.

Will result in the width of the browser area when viewed in DriveWorks Live.

Initial Specification Id

Special Variable Name: DWInitialSpecificationId

Reports the original (initial) specification id of a specification that has been copied.




Will result in the original specification id once a specification has been copied, for example: 1

Project Name

Special Variable Name: DWProjectName

Returns the name of the Project.




Will return the name given to the project.

Revision Number

Special Variable Name: DWRevisionNumber

Is an inbuilt number that begins at 1 when a new specification is created.

Each time an existing specification enters the edit transition (from the Pending or Completed* states of the default specification flow) the Revision Number will be incremented by 1.

* To edit existing specifications that are in the completed state of the default specification flow the setting "Allow existing specifications to be edited", available from General Settings, must be enabled.

This variable is triggered by the task Increment Revision Number.

Additionally the condition Setting: Can Edit Completed Specifications is applied to the Edit transition of the Completed state in the default specification flow.




Will return 1 at the start of a new specification, and increment by 1 for each subsequent edit of the original specification.

Specification Full Path

Special Variable Name: DWSpecificationFullPath

Returns the full path to the folder where the current specification will be stored.

This is a combination of the Default Specification Folder setting (see General Settings) and the rule applied to the Specification Path parameter (see Specification Settings).




Will return the value of the Default Specification Folder setting and the rule applied to the Specification Path parameter, for example: D:\DriveWorks\Specifications\Project 9999

Specification Id

Special Variable Name: DWSpecificationId

Every time a project is run in DriveWorks Pro, it is allocated a guaranteed unique incrementing number called a specification id, which is combined with the name of the project to give the running project its specification name.

The Specification Id and Specification Name are used in DriveWorks Pro in various ways, for example::

  • Whenever a running project is finished, a folder is created which is named after the specification name in a folder called "Results" in the same folder as the project file.
  • By default, new models are created with the same name as their originals but suffixed with the specification name.
The Specification Id and Specification Name are made available to the running project in two Special Variables called "DWSpecificationId" and "DWSpecification" respectively.
DWSpecificationID begins at 1 and has a range of approximately 2 billion.




Will result in 9999 while administering a project.

Will result in the next available number once a specification has started, for example: 1


Will ensure the result contains at least 4 digits, for example: 0001

This will NOT truncate the DWSpecificationID when the range goes above 9999 but will always include at least 4 digits.

To reset the Specification Id please see the heading Reset Specification Id Pool in the Data Management Tool article Specification Information

Specification Name

Special Variable Name: DWSpecification

Returns the result of the rule applied to the Specification Name setting.




Will return the result of the rule applied to the Specification name parameter.

Specification Parent Row Index

Special Variable Name: DWParentRowIndex

This special variable reflects the position of each child specification in the parent specification's child specification control, and enables that position to be used in the child specification.

The index will be automatically updated in each child specification when a child specification is added, deleted, copied, moved up and moved down.

The Embed child specification in Project Settings must be enabled.




Will return 1 if the child specification is at the top of the list in the child specification list control.

Will return 3 if the child specification is third in the list in the child specification list control.

Specification Path

Special Variable Name: DWSpecificationPath

Returns the result of the rule applied to the Specification Path setting.




Will return the result of the rule applied to the Specification Path parameter.

Specification Tags

Special Variable Name: DWSpecificationTags

Returns the result of the rule applied to the Specification Tags setting.




Will return the result of the rule applied to the Specification Tags parameter.

Touchpoint Hit Position

Special Variable Name: DWTouchPointHitPosition

Holds the result of the absolute XYZ values and unit vector XYZ values within the 3D Preview.

The value returned is a pipe delimited string in the format X|Y|Z|nX|nY|nZ, so the individual coordinates can be accessed with ListGetItem.





ListGetItem(DWConstantHitPoint, 1)

Will return the X coordinate (198.5656) of the click position within the 3D Preview.

The result of this special variable can be used by using its name (DWTouchPointHitPosition) in a rule.

The result can also be driven directly into a form control (see Drive Control Value), a constant (see Drive Constant Value) or even a table by using Specification Macros.

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB13022101