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DriveWorks Pro 22
How To: Diagnose Project Issues Using The Rules Builder (KB12121013)

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The Rules Builder is designed to provide realtime diagnostics, while the rule is being built. This takes the form of:

  • Rule Window Diagnostics
  • Rule Value Diagnostics
  • Rule Steps Diagnostics

Rule Editor Window Diagnostics

The rule window provides instant feedback by changing background color or text font color during rule entry.

Rule Window Background Color

The background color will change if the entered rule is mathematically incorrect.

The default background color for a correct rule is pale green. The default background color for an incorrect rule is pale red. These colors can be changed by clicking the settings button on the command bar of the rules builder.

When the background color is showing an incorrect rule entered, the OK button to apply the rule cannot be selected.

The rule in the image below has no value after the final multiplication symbol.

Click to Enlarge

Rule Window Font Color

The font color will change if a named value is entered incorrectly.

The default font color for a correct name is black. The default font color for an incorrect name is red and italic. These settings can be changed by clicking the settings button on the command bar of the rules builder and selecting the display item settings.

When the font color is showing an incorrect named value entered, the OK button to apply the rule cannot be selected.

Avoid typing named values incorrectly by always selecting from the project browsers (Forms, Variables, Constants, Messages) to the right of the rule window.


Rule Value diagnostics can be found by selecting the Values tab directly under the rule window. The Values tab shows all of the named ranges (Form Controls, Constants, Variables and Table data) used in the rule, with current values displayed.

Click to Enlarge


Rule Steps diagnostics can be found by selecting the Steps tab directly under the rule window. The Steps tab shows the steps taken by DriveWorks to calculate the rule.

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Drill Down

Rule Drill Down diagnostics can be found by selecting the Drill Down tab directly under the rule window. The Drill Down tab can be used to drill into each part of a rule to identify the cause of any errors. This can also be used to identify where circular references are occurring.

Click to Enlarge


Rule Comments can be found by selecting the comments tab directly under the rule window. The Comments tab can be used to include any required meta-data to a rule; for further explanation of the intention of the rule for example.

Click to Enlarge

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB12121013