The Released Files task is used to manage the SOLIDWORKS files that have been released to be generated. This includes:
Next to each item is a colored orb that indicates the status of each released file:
Generated (Green orb)
Generation failed (Red orb).
Neither generated or failed (Blue orb).
Not failed, but DriveWorks is unable to determine if it's been generated (Grey Orb).
The Released Files list can be be filtered by using the filter at the top of the list.
Please see the topic How To Use Filters for more advanced filtering information.
Generation Reports of any generated released file can be viewed by selecting the file and clicking the View Reports button from the command bar.
This will open the Report Results dialog, from which the required report can be selected and viewed.
Reports for generated released files can be deleted by selecting the file and clicking the Delete Reports button from the command bar.
Multiple released files can be selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys while selecting files from the list.
When a component has had its Overwrite Flag set to Overwrite, it can be reset to None by selecting the component and clicking the Reset Overwrite Flag button.
When a drawing has had its generation deferred, the flag can be removed by selecting the drawing from the Released files list and clicking the Remove Deferred Flag button.
Generating Deferred Drawings
Drawings that have been flagged as "Deferred" can be generated by one of the following methods:
There are two places where models can be manually generated:
From the DriveWorks add in inside SOLIDWORKS, select the Generate Models icon. A list appears with all of the models in the queue. The option to Show Deferred Drawings is active if any deferred drawings exist. Checking this option will allow all deferred drawings to be generated.
The model generation queue in DriveWorks Autopilot will pick up on drawings that are deferred where their model has been generated. These will be generated in date order but also adhere to the tags applied to them at the time of release.
Data Management has the ability to remove the deferred flag. Once removed the drawing can be generated using the manual or DriveWorks Autopilot methods above.
Data Management
Data Management has the ability to remove the deferred flag. Once removed the drawing can be generated using the manual or DriveWorks Autopilot methods above.
If all released files have the same file location then only the file location will need browsing to:
If all released files have a different file location then they will all need browsing to:
Multiple files are selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys and selecting additional files.
There are two options available when deleting released files.
This will mark the Generated and Exists columns of the entry with No. The original Model Generation reports can be viewed along with any new ones created upon regeneration.
This will remove the record of the component from DriveWorks.
This has two further options:
Multiple files are selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys and selecting additional files.
There are three main filters that can be applied to the released files list to quickly see what has or has not been generated, and what has failed.
Filter | Description |
Toggles released files to be generated on/off | |
![]() | Toggles released files that have been generated on/off |
![]() | Toggles released files that have failed to be generated on/off |
Further filters, that provide advanced filtering functionality, exist at the top of the File Location list and the Files list.
Additionally the Release Files list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on any of the column headings.
The available columns that provide information about each released file are: