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DriveWorks Pro 22
Set Drawing View Angle

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Set Drawing View Angle

This Generation Task is used to rotate a drawing view to a specified angle.

Please note the following when using this Task:

  • The specified angle is an absolute value. Running the task more than once with the same angle, or running the task that uses an existing rotation angle, will have no affect.
  • Detail views cannot be rotated.
  • The SOLIDWORKS options Dependent views update to change in orientation and Rotate center marks with view will always be checked when this Task is run.
  • The view being rotated must be on the active sheet, on multi-sheet drawings use the Activate Sheet Task immediately before this Task.


Property NameDescription
(Name)The unique name for this task.
View NameName of the drawing view to rotate (for example FrontView).
AngleRotation angle (in degrees) to set for the drawing view (for example 270).

Acceptable values are between -360 and 360 degrees.


When this task is added the properties are both static by default. See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property to enable rules to be built on these properties.

Property NameExample RuleMeaning
View NameDrawing View2The view named Drawing View2 will be rotated.
Angle45The view will be rotated 45 degrees.

Generation Sequence

This Task can be added to the following Generation Sequence(s):

  • Pre Drive (will be run before the Main Drive Sequence)
  • Post Drive (will be run after the Main Drive Sequence)
  • Pre Close


The following success or failure messages will be listed in the Model Generation report if encountered when this task is run:

  • Invalid or empty Drawing View Name.
  • The property Angle was not a number.
  • The property Angle value [Angle Value] was outside of the range of accepted values (-360, 360).
  • Unable to activate drawing view [View Name].
  • Unable to set drawing view angle for view [View Name] from [Existing Angle] to [Angle Value].
  • Successfully set drawing view angle for view [View Name] from [Existing Angle] to [Angle Value].