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DriveWorks 20 SP5 Information

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DriveWorks 20 SP5 Information

Innovation and continuous improvement underpin our approach to software development.

Along with the development of new features and enhancements for the next major version, we are committed to making each version robust and compatible with all the latest releases of software that DriveWorks interacts with.

Design Automation - SOLIDWORKS 2023

SOLIDWORKS 2023 is fully supported (from DriveWorks 20 SP2).

Previous Release Information

Please also review the following information which is still relevant for this release.

DriveApps and Microsoft Azure

DriveWorks 20 SP2 and later support provisioning DriveApps on an Azure database.

However, we have found that by default, Azure may select a database that is over-provisioned and expensive to run.

We recommend therefore, that you review the costs of the vCore purchasing model and select the model that matches your requirements.

We recommend switching this to the DTU based purchasing model. Typically 10 DTU's is well suitable for most scenarios.

WordPress Plugins

For customers using the DriveWorks Integration Theme, DriveWorks has released official WordPress plugins to quickly embed DriveWorks Forms into WordPress sites.

These plugins support DriveWorks 17 onwards, where the Integration Theme was first introduced.

See the official DriveWorks WordPress Plugins site for more information.

DriveApp Upgrade

DriveApps created in earlier versions of DriveWorks will require upgrading to run in DriveWorks 20.

This will need to be done in the DriveApp Administration task, on each tile.

The database for each DriveApp will also require upgrading, see Upgraded DriveApps for more information.

DriveWorks 3D - XR Orientation (Beta)

There is a known issue when using this feature. Please see Info: Known Issues for more information.


DriveWorks 19 replaced the use of SQL Compact with SQLite as its underlying database for Individual Groups and exported reports.

Individual Groups created in previous versions are automatically backed up when converted.

See DriveWorks Group Upgrades for extension and location information.

Data Grid Control End of Life

From DriveWorks 20 existing Data Grid controls will not be supported on any DriveWorks module or web browser.

Please implement the Data Table control to replace any Data Grid control currently in use.