MyDriveWorks - Tech Tips
This Tech Tip demonstrates how to convert RGB values into Hex values using the ColorHex() Function.
Returns a hexadecimal color value from the specified red, green, blue and opacity values. Suitable for use with DriveWorks User Forms.
Red is a value from 0 to 255 (inclusive).
Green is a value from 0 to 255 (inclusive).
Blue is a value from 0 to 255 (inclusive).
Opacity (optional) is a value from 0 to 255 (inclusive) representing how opaque the color should be. 0 being totally transparent and 255 meaning fully opaque. If omitted the opacity is set to 255 by default.
Rule | Meaning |
ColorHex(255, 255, 255) | Returns: #FFFFFF |
ColorHex(DWVariableRed,DWVariableGreen,DWVariableBlue,20) | Returns the hexadecimal equivalent from the results of the Variables Red, Green and Blue with an Opacity of 20 |
This Tech Tip demonstrates how to convert RGB values into Hex values using the ColorHex() Function.
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