DriveWorks 19 SP1 delivers brand new features and enhancements, in the following areas:
Continual development to support the management of an enterprise wide deployment.
- Using the Specification Tasks Start Autopilot and Stop Autopilot, with an unsupported Individual Group, will correctly report this in the Specification Report.
- Improved error handling of Integration Theme Client SDK constructors.
- Initial Form loading in DriveWorks Live has been improved.
- SDK Examples - Projects updated to show Project ordering.
- Integration Theme GET api/{groupAlias}/specifications/{specificationId} endpoint has improved handling for recovering running Specifications.
- Performance improvements when running OData queries in the Integration Theme (corporate site).
- The Integration Theme Client SDK Specification object has been expanded and improved to make it possible to perform common Specification requests with less code.
- Example Sites. - Each example contains a versioned README file with overview and installation instructions.
- Example Sites. - Visual and performance improvements to the image carousel in the Corporate Website example.
- Example Sites. - Loading of the Specification History view made more performant in the Corporate Website example.
- Example Sites. - Removed the error warning, surfaced in the console, when using the fileExists method in the Corporate Website example.
- Example Sites. - Simplified process for customers wanting to re-brand the logo and login splash image in the Corporate Website example.
- Example Sites - Link to the relevant Github repository.
- Example Sites. - Link to DriveApps example added.
Usability & UX
Focused visual updates and enhancements add further functionality across DriveWorks.
- Calculation Tables can be copied and pasted into any Project.
- Rows and Columns in a Calculation Table are highlighted when selected.
- Project Reporting Level, for all Projects in a Group, can be overridden at Group level.
- New Function: TableSortByList will sort on the specified column of a table using the provided list.
- Form Design allows the zoom level to be adjusted.
- The Border Style property defaults to None when adding new Picture Box Controls.
- When adding a new Schedule Connector, the times to run are automatically populated.
- Macro Button controls, that have no image applied, will change the mouse pointer to a hand on hover.
- New Group Wizard converted to WPF.
DriveWorks 3D
Improvements to make interactive 3D visualizations, for the desktop and web, realistic and performant
- DriveWorks 3D Document - Environment settings include an Edge Sketch camera effect, which displays an approximation of edges in the scene.
- Appearances can be applied, to a target model, by dragging directly from the Feature Panel into the 3D View.
- Improved naming structure when using the Replace Model Entity in a DriveWorks 3D Document. The replaced-in node will now be named ReplacementNode.
- New Transform Tool Mode allows translation, rotation and scaling to be controlled directly in the 3D View.
Design Automation
New and updated features to utilize the full potential of design automation in DriveWorks