Whenever a Part, Assembly, or Drawing is generated, DriveWorks can also save the Model or Drawing in a variety of other formats, for example, eDrawings and DXFs.
When DriveWorks generates the Part, Assembly, or Drawing, it will automatically create any of the file formats in the same directory, and with the same name.
For example, if a new file called "C:\DriveWorks\HydraulicCylinder\Results\Cylinder.slddrw" was created, and had PDF selected as a file format, then DriveWorks would also create a file called "C:\DriveWorks\HydraulicCylinder\Results\Cylinder.pdf".
When DriveWorks generates the Part, Assembly, or Drawing, it will automatically create the captured file formats.
The captured status of each available file format can be one of the following:
For example, if a new file called "C:\DriveWorks\HydraulicCylinder\Results\Cylinder.sldprt" was created, and had eDrawings Part selected as a file format, then DriveWorks would also create a file called "C:\DriveWorks\HydraulicCylinder\Results\Cylinder.eprt".
Making the File Name rule equate to "Delete" will not generate the additional format.
The exact file formats that are available depend on whether you are working with a part, assembly, or drawing.
File Formats can only be captured from Parts, Assemblies or Drawings that have been captured themselves.
To choose one or more file formats:
Multiple master drawings can be captured for each model. This is useful when only one sheet is required to be exported as the additional file format.
DriveWorks has the ability to place and DXF file formats it creates into a common folder.
See SOLIDWORKS Settings for more information.
When a multiple Sheet Drawing is required to be saved out as a DWG or DXF file the following options can be set:
To set these options:
In the Drawing Task Pane within SOLIDWORKS, the sheets can be renamed to match the file extension of a specific format.
DriveWorks will then export the sheets in this format. This drawing will have the same name and path as the original drawing.
Please note that the chosen format must be supported by DriveWorks, as seen in the following section.
Options can be set for the following file formats:
To set export options: