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DriveWorks Pro 22
Date Format

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Date Format

This property determines how the date value for the control should be formatted.

Property Type: Static

Default Value: dd/MM/yyyy

Hierarchical Reference: ControlNameDefault

To Change the Default Value

Ensure the property is a static property (It will display the gray orb alongside the property name)

The default value of the static property can be changed by typing the required value directly into the property field.

  1. Click in the property for the control to be changed.
  2. Type the required value directly into the property field.


Date Format PropertyResultNotes
"dd/mm/yy"Will format the date as (for instance) 23/11/14
"mmmm-dd-yyyy"Will format the date as (for instance)

A rule can also be built for this property by changing the type to dynamic.

See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property.

Character Limit Property Value (Dynamic)ResultNotes
IF(CountryReturn="USA", "mm/dd/yy", "dd/mm/yy")

Will use the format mm/dd/yy when USA is selected from the control Country, otherwise dd/mm/yy will be used.

Value set in Form Designer. Static properties can be made Dynamic by double clicking the gray radio button.