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DriveWorks Pro 22

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DriveWorks Labs PowerPacks can be updated more often than the main release.

Please consult the Online Help File for the most up to date information and functionality.


The DriveWorks SOLIDWORKS PowerPack plug-in extends a DriveWorks implementation by adding advanced Generation Tasks.


Once downloaded double click the DriveWorks-SOLIDWORKSPowerPack-[version number].msi file to begin the installation process. DriveWorks and SolidWorks should be closed while installing the plug-in.

Once installed the plug-in is automatically loaded in DriveWorks.


The plug-in is uninstalled from Windows Programs and Features, and will be listed as DriveWorks-SOLIDWORKS PowerPack [version number].

DriveWorks should be closed and restarted once the plug-in has been uninstalled to remove it from the plug-in list in the DriveWorks settings.

Generation Tasks

Once the SOLIDWORKS PowerPack is installed the following tasks will be available in Generation Tasks.

SOLIDWORKS PowerPack Assembly
Create Linear Component Pattern
Exclude Component From BOM
Export BOM
Insert A Cavity In A Part In An Assembly
Insert A Join Feature In A Part In An Assembly
Insert Non SOLIDWORKS File In Assembly
Position Component In Assembly
Set Components Visibility State
Update Speedpak
SOLIDWORKS PowerPack DimXpert
Position DimXpert Annotation
SOLIDWORKS PowerPack Drawing
Auto Dimension Drawing View
Delete Annotation from Drawing
Drive Section View
Export Drawing Table
Insert Block in Drawing
Insert Image on Drawing
Set Drawing View Angle
Update Sheet Template
SOLIDWORKS PowerPack General
Drive Dimension Tolerance Limits
Drive Multiple Dimensions
Drive Single Dimension
Open File And Save As
Pause Model Generation
Drive Body Material
Export DXF Or DWG With Options
Export Part Size
SOLIDWORKS PowerPack Part & Assembly
Drive Hole Wizard Size
Export Custom Properties
Export Mass Properties
Export MBD 3D PDF
Force Rebuild All Configurations
Render Model
Set Alternative Name when used in BOM
Set Dimension Text
Set Display Style
Set Global Variable
Undefer Drawings


Conditions are used to control whether specific Tasks in a Task Sequence are executed.

See Generation Tasks - Condition Editor to learn how to apply a condition to a Generation Task.

SOLIDWORKS PowerPack Part & Assembly Conditions
Needs Rebuild