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DriveWorks Pro 22

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The Orientation Entity lets you control the rotation of a 3D Node using the gyroscope input from a mobile device.

A mobile device such as a tablet or a phone will provide device orientation from the onboard gyroscope sensors. This input can be used inside a 3D Document using the Orientation Entity to control the orientation of a Node.

This means that you can take a camera inside a 3D document and have it orientate to where you are pointing your device. This is useful in applications such as Virtual Reality or immersive 3D.

The Orientation Entity effectively lets you use the yaw, pitch and roll input from your device to control a Node's orientation.

Please note that the Orientation Entity will only work on a browser that supports this device input. In most cases this is mobile devices such as Phones and Tablets.

Due to internet browser changes, the Orientation Entity may only work on secure (HTTPS) sites. Please make sure that your DriveWorks Live sites use an SSL certificate.

The device orientation data used by the Orientation Entity is now been seen as personal information and requires an SSL certificate to access.

Information Panel

With a Node selected and the Orientation Entity added to the Node, the following will be displayed in the Information Panel:

Rotate X

Determines whether the X axis should be effected by the device input. True will enable the input on this axis, False will disable the input on this axis.

Rotate Y

Determines whether the Y axis should be effected by the device input. True will enable the input on this axis, False will disable the input on this axis.

Rotate Z

Determines whether the Z axis should be effected by the device input. True will enable the input on this axis, False will disable the input on this axis.

Using the Orientation Entity

The Orientation Entity is easy to use. The entity can be added to a Node and that Node will move based on the device's orientation that 3D is viewed on.

For example, if you are viewing a Specification that contains a 3D model, the Orientation Entity can be used to rotate a camera in that 3D scene.

In the image above, the Orientation Entity has been used with a Camera Entity to rotate the camera based on the device orientation. As the device moves so does the camera in the scene. The camera will look in the direction the device is pointing.

Controlling Inputs

Each axis can be enabled an disabled separately. Multiple Orientation Entities can be used in the same 3D Document. This means that you can have multiple Nodes with different axis enabled. This lets you create different types of motion input.

In most use cases you only need one Orientation Entity on one Node. However, should you need to, you can setup any Node structure you require.