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DriveWorks Pro 22
How To: Automatically Start Autopilot (KB13103034)

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How To: Automatically Start Autopilot

It is possible to automatically launch DriveWorks Autopilot from a command line.

One use of this functionality is to automatically start DriveWorks Autopilot when the computer is rebooted.

Command Line Arguments

All command line arguments must start with the location and file name of the DriveWorks Autopilot executable file to launch, for example:

"C:\Program Files\DriveWorks\<Version Number>\DriveWorksAutopilot.exe"

Argument Values

The values passed into the arguments are not case sensitive.

If any value contains a space, the entire value must be enclosed within quotes. For example:

The group name My Group will be passed into the command line argument as "My Group".

The command line arguments understood by DriveWorks Autopilot are:

/Group:<GroupName>The name of the DriveWorks Group to open.If the group to open appears in the DriveWorks Recent Groups list only the name of the group is required.
If the group to open is an Individual Group and is not in the Recent Groups list the full path and group extension is required.
If the group to open is a Shared Group and is not in the Recent groups list the Provider, Server and Name fields will identify the Group is Shared, the server it resides on and the name of the group.
/Username:<UserName>Log on to the Group with the given username.
/Password:<password>Log on to the Group with the given password.
/autoStartAutomatically start DriveWorks Autopilot after logging on to the Group.
This argument is only intended to be used to automatically start specification and email processing.


Do not span each script over multiple lines

Each command line script is required to be on a single line in the Command Prompt.

Build the required script using Notepad
  1. Copy the example required from the table below and paste into Notepad.
  2. Adjust the example to your requirements.

    For example:

    • Change <version> to the folder name of the version in use.

      Use Windows Explorer to locate the exact name.

    • Change the Group to the local or Shared Group required.
    • Change the username and password to the credentials required to login to the required Group.
  3. Ensure the script is on a single line and no carriage returns exist.

    Maximizing the Notepad window size should allow the script to be viewed on a single line.

  4. Copy the completed script to the clipboard.
  5. Open a Windows Command Prompt and right click anywhere in the window.

    This will paste the copied script directly into the prompt.

Command Line ScriptDescription
"C:\Program Files\DriveWorks\<version>\DriveWorksAutopilot.exe" /Group:C:\DriveWorks\CorporateGroup.drivegroup /userName:admin /password:somePassword /autoStart
  • Logs on to the Individual Group CorporateGroup
  • With the user name admin
  • And the password somePassword
  • And auto starts Autopilot.
"C:\Program Files\DriveWorks\<version>\DriveWorksAutopilot.exe" /Group:"Corporate Group" /userName:"My User Name" /password:"My Password" /autoStart
If an argument value contains spaces, the value should be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Logs on to the Individual Group Corporate Group
  • With the user name My User Name
  • And the password My Password
  • And auto starts Autopilot.
"C:\Program Files\DriveWorks\<version>\DriveWorksAutopilot.exe" /Group:Provider=RemoteGroupProvider;Server=DriveWorks;Name=CorporateGroup /userName:admin /password:somePassword /autoStart
  • Logs on to a Shared Group (Provider=RemoteGroupProvider) on the server DriveWorks (Server=DriveWorks) with the name CorporateGroup (Name=CorporateGroup)
  • With the user name admin
  • And the password somePassword
  • And auto starts Autopilot.

Additional Resources

MyDriveWorks - Tech Tips

Autopilot Autostart

Includes a .bat file with instructions to demonstrate how to automatically start Autopilot, open a Group and set it to run.

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB13103034