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DriveWorks Pro 22
Turn Off Virtual Machine And Deallocate Resources

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Turn Off Virtual Machine And Deallocate Resources

This Task will request to turn off a Virtual Machine and deallocate resources in Azure.

Ensure the DriveWorks PowerPack for Microsoft Azure is correctly configured to authenticate with a Microsoft Azure account.


Property NameDescription
TitleChanges the Title (not the name) of the task.
Resource GroupThe Resource Group the Virtual Machine is connected to.
Virtual Machine NameThe Virtual Machine that will be turned off and deallocated..

When this Task is added the properties are static. To be able to build rules on a static property see How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property.


Property NameExample RuleMeaning
Resource GroupSandboxGroupThis is the Azure Resource Group where the Virtual Machine exists.
Virtual Machine NameSandboxMachineThe Virtual Machine where the turn off and deallocation request is going to be sent to.

Using the Task in a Specification Macro

This task has different types of Outputs. For more information about Outputs see Specification Macros Task Node.

Outputs are only available within Specification Macros. Currently Outputs are not available for Specification Flow.

Status Outputs

This task supports Status Outputs. These can be used to perform different actions depending on what the status outcome of the task is. For more information see Status Outputs in the Task Node Outputs section of Specification Macros Task Node.

The status output navigation is as follows:


  • The turn off and deallocate Virtual Machine command for <Virtual Machine Name> has started.
  • The Virtual Machine <Virtual Machine Name> is already deallocated.

Success with Warnings

  • N/A - should never be fulfilled

Failed (one of the following occurred)

  • The plugin is not authenticated with Azure.
  • Resource Group <Resource Group Name> and Virtual Machine <Virtual Machine Name> could not be found. Please check that these names are valid and this VM is in the Resource Group.
  • The provided Resource Group is null or empty. Please provide a Resource Group Name.
  • The provided Virtual Machine is null or empty. Please provide a Virtual Machine Name.

More Information

DriveWorks can be hosted on Microsoft Azure, for more information see Microsoft Azure.