Web Theme
The Web Theme is designed to provide a true web experience with the flexibility of further customization. It supports the following features:
- The ability to change the website appearance and page behavior by choosing pre-loaded skins.
- The ability to give each page additional functionality by adding pre-loaded modules.
- Additional advanced customization from designing and writing your own skins and modules.

- Click the Theme button from the command bar
- Select the required Theme from the Theme configuration dialog.
- Integration Theme - See Integration Theme for more information.
When the Integration Theme has been selected some additional steps are required.
See Select the Integration Theme for more information.
- Web Theme - See Web Theme for more information.
- Application Theme - See Application Theme for more information.
From DriveWorks 21 the Application Theme is no longer available.
- Integration Theme - See Integration Theme for more information.
Click Finish
The Web theme can have various levels of customization applied, this ranges from:
- Configuring the 3D Preview Service location (only required if using the 3D Preview Box control).
- Add an image and change the text on the project selection page.
- Choose a different skin to be applied to the web theme .
- Add and rearrange module layout on the default pages.
This level of Modification can only be done using the Web Theme as a starting point.