This topic covers common issues associated with SOLIDWORKS integration.
This message could be displayed in a Model Generation report or the DriveWorks Autopilot log.
RPC errors indicate a failure in communication between DriveWorks and SOLIDWORKS.
A network failure would cause a communication breakdown when using the following:
When a Specification results in a large amount of models being generated, start with a number of models that represents approximately half the models that will be generated.
For example if the total number of parts, assemblies and drawings generated per specification is 45, set the value to be 22.
Monitor the performance and if the error persists, half this value again.
However, for faulty modules or components (that SOLIDWORKS relies on):
Attempt a repair or reinstall of the Microsoft Visual C++ installations using Windows Add or remove programs app.
To check for errors in the Event Viewer:
Ensure the selected error does relate to SOLIDWORKS (the information will mention SOLIDWORKS.exe as the faulting application.
If a module or component that SOLIDWORKS relies on is at fault, the offending dll will be listed.
This message could be displayed in a Model Generation report or the DriveWorks Autopilot log.
Sometimes the meta-data within a SOLIDWORKS file can become corrupt. See the solution below to fix.
Ensure the user account that is running DriveWorks has write permissions to the folder.
This message could be displayed in a Model Generation report or the DriveWorks Autopilot log.
See Supported DriveWorks Versions for more information.