DriveWorks 19 SP0 delivers brand new features and enhancements, in the following areas:
Continual development to support the management of an enterprise wide deployment.
- Integration Theme
- Client SDK Examples Clearer documentation for Specification Form events and registering delegates.
- Client SDK Examples Added example for working with Group Tables.
- Client SDK Examples Added example for working with Macros.
- Client SDK Examples Quick-links to view each method demonstrated directly in the Client SDK Docs.
- Client SDK Examples All Client SDK Examples have inline code snippets, for quick reference and copying.
- Example Sites Updated all Example Sites to demonstrate dynamically injecting DriveWorks Client SDK library from configured server url. Minor stability tweaks. Bump all major versions.
- Ensured all image elements use alt tag for improved accessibility.
- Improved validation and error messaging for required Client SDK method parameters.
- Rename Project directly from DriveWorks Data Management.
- DriveWorks Data Management Settings, access Plugin Settings to allow Data Management to integrate with SOLIDWORKS PDM.
- Integrating data with external systems has been further enhanced with the ability to configure, generate and transfer functional, validated JSON Documents from any valid Schema.
- DriveWorks Autopilot - Schedule Connector allows Projects and DriveApps to be run on a schedule.
- DriveApps - Scheduler DriveApp Set up Jobs to be run by the Schedule Connector inside DriveWorks Autopilot.
- Application License Activation checks the public IP address to overcome managed DNS networks.
- Underlying database is now SQLite (from SQL Compact Edition) for Individual Groups. Groups created in previous version are automatically backed up when converted. See DriveWorks Group Upgrades (V19) for extension and location information.
- Third Party License information added to the About screen.
- DriveWorks User can have Specifications run in Kiosk Mode.
- Kiosk Mode settings added to all applications.
- Quick Launch Shortcuts, for DriveWorks User, can launch straight into a Specification or DriveApp, using Kiosk Mode, if required.
- Installation updates .NET Framework to version 4.8 (Operating System Components).
- Security updates for the FlexNet Publisher, used for licensing, applied.
Usability & UX
Focused visual updates and enhancements add further functionality across DriveWorks.
- New Functions:
- DateTimeSpan Returns a table of information representing the time interval between two Date Time values.
- GetGroupName Returns the name of the current DriveWorks Group.
- GetAutopilotLog Returns the Log of an Autopilot as a Table Array.
- GetAutopilotStatus Returns the current status of the Autopilot agent.
- JsonEscape Converts a string to its JSON string representation.
- Security functions are listed in the Security category in the Functions list.
- New Tasks:
- Help and Support links, displayed from Windows Programs and Features, use https protocol.
- Reporting level can be set to None.
- 3D Preview Control allows dynamic rules to be built for the Preview Document Name property.
- Calculation Tables allow multiple rows to be inserted when adding rows.
- Picture (Hover) property added to:
- DriveWorks 3D Documents have their own section in Output Documents.
- The Comments tab, in the Rule Builder, allows horizontal scrolling when comments extend beyond the available window space.
- Combo box values can be set by typing in the control.
- Output Rules - Generation Tasks heading page (displayed when selecting the main task heading from the Task List), reflects new functionality added for Generation Tasks.
- Web Frame Control allows user provided HTML strings to be rendered directly in the control.
- Rule Builder uses WPF technology, overcoming rendering issues and allowing the following improvements:
- Selection and expansion state of the following views are retained when the view is refreshed or returned to.
- Form Design View - Controls Tree
- Rules Builder - Variables Tab Tree
- Documents - 3D Document Tree
- Documents - Advanced XML Document Tree
- Model Rules View - Components Tree
- Generation Tasks View - Components Tree
- Generation Tasks View - Toolbox Tree
- Generation Tasks View - Edit Conditions Tree
- Specification Macros View - Macros Tree
- Specification Macros View - Toolbox Tree
- Condition parameters, within functions, ignore leading or trailing whitespace for text strings.
- Overload parameters, added to the following functions, to allow for leading or trailing whitespace for text strings.
- User Forms can be exported as templates from Form Design and Form Navigation.
DriveWorks 3D
Improvements to make interactive 3D visualizations, for the desktop and web, realistic and performant
- Exporting a DriveWorks 3D Document is multi-threaded.
- Appearances can use Cutout - Alpha Mode to allow full use of transparency in images.
- Import gITF as 3D and Import OBJ as 3D preserve the geometry names created by the application.
- Selecting a Node and clicking Zoom To Fit will zoom into the selected Node.
- Support for Multi-selecting from the Feature Panel, to apply common properties for:
- Apply Appearance Overrides for every item of Geometry of a Model Node.
- Quickly jump to any Appearance or Decal applied to a Node
- Play Mode allows the 3D Document to be viewed and tested.
- Add Collision Type to a Model Entity.
- Enable Hover Enables mouse-over features for 3D models displayed in the 3D Preview control.
- Hover Appearance Name added to Click Macro Entity, allows the appearance of the model to change when the mouse hovers over it.
- Determine if a Camera is to allow Hover to be Enabled.
Design Automation & PDM
New and updated features to utilize the full potential of design automation in DriveWorks
- The Generation Task Create Coordinate System Mate, allows the Origin Coordinate System to be used.
- Generation Tasks can be added to Pre Copy, Post Copy and Post Close Generation Sequences.
- New Generation Tasks:
- New Generation Task Conditions:
- Generation Tasks Conditions are disabled when the condition is not available.
- Negated property added to the following Generation Task Conditions:
- New Advanced Feature Parameters:
- New setting to disable export of additional file formats (when Drawing sheets that have been renamed with the extension of the format required). Avoiding conflict with similar functionality in SOLIDWORKS PDM.