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DriveWorks Pro 22
Error Result

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Error Result

The Error Result property determines whether the value of the control is in error.

Property Type: Dynamic

Default Value: No default value is applied to this property

The result of this property can be:

  • A text string of the message to display.
  • A number representing a corresponding number from the Form Messages stage.

Hierarchical Reference: ControlNameError

When the control, that has an Error Result applied, is in error and is directly on the active form (see below):

  • The Error Result will be displayed in the Task List in a Specification (when the User Form property Show Task List is True).
  • The Specification Flow will not allow a Specification to transition to any State that has the Specification Complete condition applied.

Active Form

For DriveWorks to recognize when a control is in error during a Specification, the control must be on the active form.

When a user form is displayed through a Frame Control the active form will be the form the Frame Control has been added to.

In this scenario we recommend applying a rule to the Error Result property of the Frame Control.

To Change the Default Value

The default value of the property can be changed by any of the following methods:

  • Enter the required value directly into the error result property field.
    1. Click in the property for the control to be changed.
    2. Type the required value directly into the property field.
  • Activate the rule builder.
    1. Click in the property for the control to be changed.
    2. Click the build button at the end of the property field to launch the rule builder .
    3. Enter the rule in the rule editor and click OK to apply.

Ensure this property is either a null (blank) OR can result in a 0 (zero) value.

Failure to do this will result in the control always being in error and will not allow a specification to be completed.


Error Result Property ValueResultNotes
The control will never be in error
IF(LengthReturn="", "Please enter a value", 0)The message Please enter a value will be displayed in the task list during specification when the control Length is empty.Use the rule builder to apply the rule
IF(LengthReturn<1000 , 2, 0)The message as calculated by the Form Message 2 will be displayed in the task list during specification when the control Length is less than 1000Use the rule builder to apply the rule

Value can be controlled by a rule.

Form Messages are accessed from DriveWorks Administrator.

These allow common messages to be allocated an incremental number that can be referenced in the Error Result property of form controls.

The Error Result property determines if the message is to be displayed during specification.

Form messages are displayed in the task list.

A custom message that can be displayed as specification tasks during specification.