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DriveWorks Pro 22
Info: DriveWorks File Extensions (KB13022602)

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Info: DriveWorks File Extensions

This document describes the different file extensions that are either created by DriveWorks or used by DriveWorks.

Group Extensions

The group file name is the name entered when the group was created. Extensions associated with each group type that can be created are as follows:

.drivegroupAn Individual Group file. Stores information related to the projects, specifications, captured models, and model generation data in a group.
Shared GroupsShared Groups are held on a SQL Server database and have no physical file until the database is backed up.
.bakA SQL Server database backup file. See How To: Backup a SQL Server Database.

DriveWorks Group Upgrades

This only affects DriveWorks Individual Groups created prior to DriveWorks v19 which are then opened in a newer version.

.drivegroupbackupFrom DriveWorks V19 Individual Groups now use SQLite.

A backup of the SQL Compact version is taken, and placed in the same location as the original, before the conversion is performed.

Project Extensions

The project file name is the name entered when the project was created. Each project created will have the following project files created with the project name and the extension shown.

DriveWorks Projects

.driveprojxFrom DriveWorks v9. DriveWorks Projects now use a single .driveprojx file which contains all information relating to a project and allows child specifications to be embedded within its parent. The .driveproj and . drivemaster files are no longer required.

Specification Extensions

.drivespecDriveWorks Specification File. Contains information about a specification, such as any specification properties.
Each specification will also copy the files associated to the project type (listed in the Project Extensions tables above)

Model Insight Report Extensions

.drivemirDriveWorks Model Insight Report File. Use the Export Log button within Model Insight to create this file. Contains information about the tasks run during Model Insight.


.sldasmSOLIDWORKS Assembly
.sldprtSOLIDWORKS Part
.slddrwSOLIDWORKS Drawing

Master Document Templates

.doc, .docx, .docmMicrosoft Word Document
.xls, .xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsmMicrosoft Excel Document

XML Document.

Depending on the content of the XML Document various other file types can be included in the document, these include .xlst (transform file) and image files (.gif, .jpg etc.)
Other Document Template TypesDriveWorks has the ability to copy any type of file as a result of a specification being made. To see if a project makes use of any other files using this functionality please refer to the article  Copied File.

Other file types used by DriveWorks

For all other file types that are used by DriveWorks please see the article Info: File and Template Locations

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB13022602