Allows for data to be deleted from the SYSPRO Implementation by running a setupdelete post to SYSPRO.
Property | Description |
Code | No longer than 30 characters. |
Description | No longer than 30 characters. |
Long description | No longer than 30 characters. |
Warehouse | RM = Raw material, SA = Sub-Assemblies, FG = Finished Goods. |
Part category | B = Bought out, M = Made In. |
Product Class | SPEC = Special |
Temple Routing Data | A Table array value with no headers, of the necessary routing operations with columns OperationNumber, WorkCentre, SetUpTime, RunTime, AdditionalFields. |
Price Code | A-Z |
Price | Price - must be a number, do not include currency symbol. |
Additional Field Data | Not required. If used, must be in the format FieldName1=FieldValue1|FieldName2=FieldValue2|FieldName3=FieldValue3. |
Variable Category Path | The path to the variable category that the BOM items are in. |
Item Code Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item code. |
Item Qty Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item quantity. |
Item Description Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item description. |
Item Warehouse Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item warehouse. |
Item Part Category Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item part category. |
Item Product Class Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that cThe prefix used for each variable that contains an item product class. |
Item Price Code Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item price code. |
Item Price Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item price. |
Item Additional Fields Prefix | The prefix used for each variable that contains an item additional fields (Pipe bar delimited list, for example 'FirstField=Firstvalue|SecondField=SecondValue'. |
Result Constant | Constant Name for returning the SYSPRO Item Number. |
Output to File | True to save XML data to file, False to use Web Services. |
Visit the SYSPRO PowerPack page to learn more.