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DriveWorks Pro 22
Model Rules

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File Formats

File Formats can have rules applied to determine the File Name and Relative Path.

Making the File Name rule equate to "Delete" will not generate the additional format.

Captured File Formats are listed in the Model Rules Component Tree as children of the Assembly, Part or Drawing from which they have been captured.

Display File Format Parameters

To display the parameters of the file formats to apply rules open the project in DriveWorks Administrator and:

  1. Select Stage 4: Output Rules> Model Rules from the Task Explorer.
  2. From the Component List expand the Component or Drawing the File Formats have been captured for.

  3. Check the required File Format. Any parameters that can have rules applied will be displayed in the parameter list.

All captured File Formats can have rules applied for:

  • File Name
  • Relative Path

Additional parameters are available for the following file types:

  • JPEG
    • Quality Percentage - Requires a numerical value between 0 and 100.
    • View Name - The Name of a custom view created in the SOLIDWORKS model.
  • PDF
    • Export as 3D - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • In Color - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Embed Fonts - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • High Quality - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Print Header and Footer - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Use Current Print Line Weights - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
  • eDrawing (part, assembly and drawing)
    • Enable Measuring Support - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Enable STL Export - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Save Shaded Data - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Save Bill of Materials Features - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Save Each Motion Study in Every Configuration - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Recalculate Motion Study if Out of Date - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
  • DXF
    • Scale Output 1:1 - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Export splines as splines - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Enable End Point Merging - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • HQ End Point merging - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
    • Export all sheets to one file - Requires a boolean (True or False) value.
  • When exporting the above file formats additional parameters will default to TRUE if left blank.


File NameOrderNumberReturn & "Sales Drawing"When applied to a PDF File Format will result in the file name 1234 Sales Drawing.pdf, where OrderNumberReturn = 1234.
Relative Path"\\DriveWorks\Sales Documents\" & OrderNumberReturnWill create the folder Sales Documents\1234, where OrderNumberReturn = 1234 (If it does not already exist) and store the generated file format there.
Quality Percentage (JPEG)100Will export the JPEG file at the highest quality.
View Name (JPEG)"UpperFront"Will apply the custom view UpperFront before creating the image file.
Export as 3D (PDF)TRUEWill export as a 3D PDF.
Enable Measuring Support (eDrawing)FALSEWill disable measuring support
Scale Output 1:1 (DXF)TRUEWill output 1:1 scale.

Add Components

Checking an assembly in the Add Component dialog will check all sub-assemblies and parts automatically.

The assembly will be added to the Model List as a Component Set.

Checking sub-assemblies or parts (without checking a higher level assembly) will add those items as separate component sets.

Behavior in earlier versions of DriveWorks
  • When checking an assembly to add, any sub-assemblies or parts were not automatically checked.
  • Checking an assembly and its sub-assemblies or parts added these as separate component sets in the Model List.

This will prevent the unintentional adding of sub assemblies and parts to the captured components tree.

See also

File Formats (Capturing)

Welcome to DriveWorks Pro 11 -What's New

A part or assembly which has been added to the Model Rules screen and is not contained in a parent assembly.