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DriveWorks Pro 22
Specification Form

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Responsive DriveWorks Projects

In DriveWorks Live it is possible to make your DriveWorks forms responsive and reactive to the size of the browser it is being viewed in. Responsive Forms allow you to drive the width value of the browser into a DriveWorks project and use the value within your project rules. This makes DriveWorks forms dynamic and ever changing depending on the size of the browser or mobile device you are working on.

The value sent from the browser can be used to control the width of form controls or position them based on the width of the browser. More and more tablets and mobile devices are being used within the work place. It is important that your DriveWorks projects are professional and react to all of these devices. Responsive Forms lets your DriveWorks forms fit every browser just like a responsive website.

Enabling responsive forms

Responsive Forms are ideal for the Tiled Fluid skin. Tiled Fluid has been designed to be responsive to all browsers. Together they give a true responsive DriveWorks project suitable for any device.

Please apply the Tiled Fluid skin before setting up your responsive forms.

To enable Enable Responsive Forms follow the steps outlined under the Editing the Specification Form Module sub heading below.

Specification Form Module

Editing the Specification Form Module

To access settings for the Specification Form Module:

  1. Start Personal Web Edition or DriveWorks Live and Login when the Login page appears in your browser (make sure you login as an Administrator).
  2. Open the project you wish to edit.
  3. Switch to Editing Mode, either by clicking Switch or by clicking the Gear icon.
  4. Locate the Specification Form module on the web page and click the Edit link in the top right hand corner of the module.

  5. Once the Edit link has been clicked the Edit Module dialog will display, where the available settings can be applied:

    The module can have the following settings applied:

    Specification Configuration

    • Next Page after Cancel - Default value is blank this will navigate to the Home page when Cancel is selected from the Specification Form Module.
    • Next Page after Complete - Default value is blank, this will navigate to the Release Page when any link that transitions the specification to a completed state is selected from the Specification Form Module.
    • Next Page Settings are Resolved to Constants – Default value is unchecked. When checked, the Next Page values for After Cancel and After Complete will be resolved to constants.
      The Next Page values can reference any valid URL or constant name (with or without the DWConstant prefix).

      When resolving to constants the Next Page values will take the value from the entered constant name in the project being specified.

      Examples of valid URL's
      URL TypeURL Example
      External web pagehttps://www.driveworks.co.uk/
      A web page in DriveWorks Live (other than the default when blank page)/History
    • Enable Responsive Forms - Default value is unchecked. When checked, the browser width will be driven into the given variable.
      This is a legacy setting.

      From DriveWorks 15, DWFormContainerWidth and DWFormContainerHeight are automatically driven with the browser dimensions.

      This setting will have no affect on implementations running DriveWorks 15 or newer.

    Advanced Settings

    These settings provide a way of driving parameters to the Integration Module to interact with a specification running in an IFrame, without refreshing the page.

    The following settings can be applied:

    • Integration Module Page - The relative path or URL of the integration module to pass parameters to.
    • Expected Origin URL - The URL of the site hosting the specification in an IFrame.

DriveWorks Tech Tips Portal

Responsive Forms

When used online, DriveWorks can detect the width of the browser and drive this value into a constant. Form controls can then have their positions and size change dynamically based on the browser width, so forms can be optimized for a variety of devices.

View all Tech Tips

DriveWorks Tech Tips Portal is available to DriveWorks Pro customers with an active subscription and support contract.

Tech Tips provide cut down projects that highlight specific functionality for faster and more effective learning.

To access the portal:

  1. Go to https://my.driveworks.co.uk/learn/tech-tips/
  2. Login with your DriveWorks Pro account credentials, if asked
  3. Click the Visit Tech Tips Portal button for access

The portal provides a search facility, start typing the name of the Tech Tip (as indicated above) to display the Tip you require.