This Specification Flow Task exports a table array into a Microsoft Excel Workbook via a Cell Reference.
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office and DriveWorks Live running as a service through IIS
Services (IIS) do not have access to many applications, especially COM programs such as Microsoft Word and Excel.
When using DriveWorks Live and IIS please read the following articles for information on where to place this Task.
Property Name | Description |
Title | Changes the Title (not the name) of the task. |
Target File Name | File Name of the target spreadsheet. A full file path is required. |
Array Value | A table array value , such as the result of a QueryDataValues function. |
ShowExcel | Workbook will be visible if set to TRUE. |
Include Header | TRUE to include first row, FALSE to exclude. |
Insert New Rows | TRUE to insert new rows, FALSE to overwrite data. |
ShowExcel | Workbook will be visible if set to TRUE. |
Extension for Saving File | Pipe-bar (|) delimited list of extensions to save the file as (e.g. .pdf, .xps, .txt).
The following extensions are supported for saving the file: .pdf, .xps, .txt, .xml, .htm, .html, .csv, .dif, .slk, .ods, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .xltx, .xltm, .xlt, .xla and .xlam |
Sheet Name | The name of the sheet to insert into. |
Cell Reference | A single cell reference that the table will use as the origin to insert into. |
When this Task is added the properties are static. To be able to build rules on a static property see How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property.
Property Name | Example Rule | Example Result | Meaning |
Target File Name | "C:\DriveWorks\MyFile.xlsx" | C:\DriveWorks\MyFile.xlsx | The full file path to the Excel file to use for the export. |
Array Value | DWVariableTableArray | DWVariableTableArray | This variable contains the Table Array that will be exported to Excel. |
Include Header | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE will export the data with headers, false will not include headers. |
Insert New Rows | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE will insert new rows into the spreadsheet. False will overwrite any existing cells. |
ShowExcel | TRUE | TRUE | If true will show the excel document as its being edited. |
Extension for Saving File | ".PDF" | This will produce a PDF of the exported data that has been exported to Excel. | |
Sheet name | "sheet1" | sheet1 | Will insert the Array Value into the worksheet named sheet1. |
Cell reference | "E5" | E5 | Will insert the Array Value into the cell referenced by column E and row 5. |
This task supports Status Outputs. These can be used to perform different actions depending on what the status outcome of the task is. For more information see Status Outputs in the Task Node Outputs section of Specification Macros Task Node.
The status output navigation is as follows:
Success with Warnings
Failed (one of the following occurred).