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DriveWorks Pro 22

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The Items property controls the items available for selection in a list control.

Property Type: Dynamic

Default Value: null

Hierarchical Reference: ControlNameListData

Each item to be displayed in the list control are to be separated by the '|' symbol, for example:

"Item A|Item B|Item C|Item D|Item E|Item F"


"Item A" & "|" & "Item B" & "|" & "Item C" & "|" & "Item D" & "|" & "Item E" & "|" & "Item F"

How items are displayed in the controls that use the Items Property

Items will be displayed in the list control in the following ways:

List Box

See List Box for more information.

Image showing how items are displayed

To Change the Default Value

The default value of the property can be changed by One of the following methods:

  • Enter the required value directly into the property field
    1. Click in the property for the control to be changed
    2. Type the required value directly into the property field
  • Activate the Rule Builder.
    1. Click in the property for the control to be changed
    2. Click the build button at the end of the property field to launch the rule builder
    3. Enter the rule in the rule editor and click OK to apply


Property ValueResultNotes
"Item A|Item B|Item C|Item D|Item E|Item F"Will list all items as separate entities in the control
DWConstantItemA & "|" & DWVariableItemB & "|" & "Item C"Will list the value coming from the constant Item A, the variable Item B and Item C as separate entities in the control

DriveWorks has many functions that assist in the creation of list items:

Value can be controlled by a rule.