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DriveWorks Pro 22
Set Alternative Name When Used In BOM

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Set Alternative Name When Used In BOM - SOLIDWORKS PowerPack

The Set Alternative Name When Used In BOM Generation Task allows you to change a name of a model displayed in a BOM(Bill Of Materials). This can be made configuration specific.


Property NameDescription
(Name)The unique name for this task.
Alternative NameThe alternative name to use in a bill of materials in the given configuration.
Configuration Name(s)The name of the configuration in which to set the alternative name. (leave blank for current configurations, Pipebar (|) delimit configuration names to drive in multiple configurations, or use asterisk (*) to set in all configurations)
Force Use of Alternative Name in BOMTRUE to set the flag in the model to apply the user defined alternative name in the BOM, FALSE to use the original model setting.


When this task is added the properties are static by default.
See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property to enable rules to be built on these properties.

Property NameExample RuleExample ResultMeaning
Alternative NamePart123Config3Part123Config3The alternative name to use in the bill of materials for the given configuration.
Configuration Name(s)Config1Config1The name of the configuration in which to set the alternative name. If this property is left blank then the current configuration will be used.
Configuration Name(s)Config1|Config2|Config5Config1|Config2|Config5The name of the configurations in which to set the alternative name. The configuration names are separated by pipebars (|).
Configuration Name(s)**Will set the Name change for every configuration.
Force Use of Alternative Name in BOMTRUETRUEThis will set the flag in the model to apply the defined alternative name in the BOM.
Force Use of Alternative Name in BOMFALSEFALSEThis will use the original model name.

Generation Sequence

This Task can be added to SOLIDWORKS Parts and Assemblies in the following Generation Sequence(s):

  • Pre Drive (will be run before the Main Drive Sequence)
  • Post Drive (will be run after the Main Drive Sequence)