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DriveWorks Pro 22
Patterns (KB13103026)

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Pattern Direction

When selecting the direction for a pattern to take try not to use a components edge or face.

This is because a component can be replaced or deleted. If this is done the direction will be lost.

Edges and faces can also be deleted or change in size or direction.

Constructing reference planes, that cannot be replaced or deleted, is a more robust method to set the direction of a pattern.

Feature Patterns

When a feature, that is used as the seed for a pattern, is deleted from a part the pattern will also be deleted.

If the pattern includes any other features, the pattern instances of these features will also be deleted.

Component Patterns

When a component, that is used as the seed for a pattern, is deleted from an assembly the pattern will also be deleted.

If the pattern includes any other components ensure the component deleted has not been used to define any parameters of the pattern.

The generated assembly will show rebuild errors if this is the case.

To correctly capture a pattern to drive

It is strongly recommended that the pattern is captured by double clicking the feature in SOLIDWORKS and selecting the instance number and distance between instances.

Note: Pattern parameters can also be captured using the Advanced Feature Parameters, generation time can be impacted (slower) by using this method.

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB13103026