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How To: Reduce the Size of a Group (KB19012301)

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How To: Reduce the Size of a Group

Over time a DriveWorks Group will increase in size.

This can be particularly noticeable when using the following SQL versions:

  • SQL Compact and SQL Express (2008) have a maximum database size of 4GB
  • SQL Express (2012) has a maximum database size of 10GB

If you are reaching the maximum size limit there are two options available:

  • Upgrade to a version that supports a larger database size
  • Clear space in your existing database

Clearing Space

DriveWorks will store a lot of data that is meant to aid diagnostics during setup and traceability during operation.

Once setup is proven the various reports can be removed and when a specification has expired this data can be cleared.

Before clearing any data we recommend taking a back up of the Group.

Please see How To: Backup An Individual Group or How To: Backup A SQL Database for more information.

Clearing Reports

Reports are stored for Specifications and Model Generation primarily.

These can be deleted from the DriveWorks Group to free up space in the database.

DriveWorks Data Management will allow you to clear any unwanted reports from the Group.

Specification Reports

With the Group open in DriveWorks Data Management, select Specification Information and:

  1. Select the Specification(s) to delete the reports for from the list of Specifications.
  2. Click the Delete Reports button.
The list can be filtered to only show Specifications (if Documents are created).

To do this enter:

Type:Specification in the filter bar

The list can then be sorted by Last Modified date and a batch of Specifications from a preferred date range selected.

See Delete Specification Reports in the topic Specification Information for more information.

Model Generation Reports

With the Group open in DriveWorks Data Management, select Released Files and:

  1. Select the Released File(s) to delete the reports for from the list of Released Files.
  2. Click the Delete Reports button.
The list can be sorted by Last Modified date and a batch of Released Files from a preferred date range selected.

See Delete Reports in the topic Released Files for more information.

Clearing Specifications

If Specifications are no longer required they can be removed from the DriveWorks Group.

These could be very old, unused Specifications or even tests that were made.

With the Group open in DriveWorks Data Management, select Specification Information and:

  1. Select the Specification(s) to delete from the list of Specifications.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. Select Remove References from DriveWorks and optionally Delete File from Windows Explorer.
  4. Click OK
The list can be filtered to only show Specifications (if Documents are created).

To do this enter:

Type:Specification in the filter bar

The list can then be sorted by Last Modified date and a batch of Specifications from a preferred date range selected.

See Delete Specification Information in the topic Specification Information for more information.

Minimize the Reporting Level

Going forward it is possible to reduce how much data DriveWorks stores in the reports inside the Group.

Reporting levels can be reduced in the following places:

  • Project Reporting Level
  • SOLIDWORKS Settings Reporting Level

Project Reporting Level

In Project Settings there is a setting for adjusting the Reporting Level for Specification Reports.

This should be set to Minimal when using your DriveWorks Project in a Production Environment.

See Reporting Level in the topic Project Settings for more information.

This reduces how much data DriveWorks writes back to the Group.

SOLIDWORKS Settings Reporting Level

In SOLIDWORKS Settings there is a setting for adjusting the Reporting Level for Model Generation Reports.

This should be set to Minimal when using your DriveWorks Project in a Production Environment.

See Model Generation Reporting in the topic SOLIDWORKS Settings for more information.

This reduces how much data DriveWorks writes back to the Group.

SQL Server

If the size of your DriveWorks Group database is still reaching the maximum the final option is to upgrade to SQL Server.

Utilizing the full edition of SQL Server not only increases the maximum database size but allows scheduled backups to be performed each day.

This provides you with security and redundancy in your Production system.

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB19012301