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DriveWorks Pro 22
VR Rig

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VR Rig

Creates an VR Rig Node with the correct structure in place to allow the 3D Preview Box to be used with Virtual Reality hardware.

When the VR Rig template is added the following node structure is created:

  • VR Rig - the parent node of the template
    • Head - applies the VR Headset setup which includes the VR Camera Entity and XR Orientation Entity.
    • Right Hand - applies the Right Hand controller setup which includes the XR Orientation Entity and Raycast Entity.
      To make the Right Hand visible in the VR environment add a model, that represents the hand, to this node.
    • Left Hand - applies the Left Hand controller setup which includes the XR Orientation Entity.
      To make the Left Hand visible in the VR environment add a model, that represents the hand, to this node.

Import Template

To add the template:

  1. Right click on the Root node.
  2. Select Import Template.
  3. Select the required template from the list.
  4. The template will be added to the Root node.