Returns a table with all Group captured components and details.
Rule | Result | Meaning |
GetGroupCapturedComponents() | {"Name","Path","Exists","Child Reference Count","Type"; "MyAssy","D:\DriveWorks\Models\MyAssy.SLDASM",True,2,"DriveWorks.SolidWorks.Components.AssemblyFactory, DriveWorks.SolidWorks"; "MyPart","D:\DriveWorks\Models\MyPart.SLDPRT",True,0,"DriveWorks.SolidWorks.Components.PartFactory, DriveWorks.SolidWorks"; "MyDrawing","D:\DriveWorks\Models\MyDrawing.SLDDRW",True,0,"DriveWorks.SolidWorks.Components.DrawingFactory, DriveWorks.SolidWorks"} | Returns a table array of all Group connections. |
The Array is made up of data in the format {"Name","Path","Exists","Child Reference Count","Type"}
Name - The name of the component.
Path - The full path to the component.
Exists - True if the component exists, False if not.
Child Reference Count - The quantity of child references captured for the component (including drawings).
Type - The type of component. This can be one of:
Name | Path | Exists | Child Reference Count | Type |
MyAssy | D:\DriveWorks\Models\MyAssy.SLDASM | True | 2 | DriveWorks.SolidWorks.Components.AssemblyFactory, DriveWorks.SolidWorks |
MyPart | D:\DriveWorks\Models\MyPart.SLDPRT | True | 0 | DriveWorks.SolidWorks.Components.PartFactory, DriveWorks.SolidWorks |
MyDrawing | D:\DriveWorks\Models\MyDrawing.SLDDRW | True | 0 | DriveWorks.SolidWorks.Components.DrawingFactory, DriveWorks.SolidWorks |