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DriveWorks Pro 22
Integration Module

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Integration Module

The Integration Module supports integrating DriveWorks Live into external web sites, for example Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management systems.

The Integration Module reads parameters passed to it as a query string which can be passed in either a link, or by embedding DriveWorks Live in a Frame or iFrame.

This module is used on the default /Integration web page (see Editing the Integration Module below), and contains nothing to display to the user. Only when an Administrator enters edit mode on this page will the settings screen become available to edit.


Typically the Integration Module is used when running DriveWorks Live within an Inline Frame. See Embedding DriveWorks Live into your Website for more information.

The Integration Module is used to create new Specifications or edit existing Specifications through a URL.

To use this module, the query string of your page URL must include particular parameters depending on the intended action to perform. Multiple actions can be performed at once by combining the query parameters using the & symbol.

User={username}This will log a particular user in. The module setting "Requires Exact User" ensures the username set in this module is logged on, logging off any previously logged in user. See Editing the Integration Module below for more information.


When logging in as a particular User, that is password protected, for security reasons a password cannot be defined in the URL.

To overcome this you must:

  • Give all users a blank password
  • Or

  • Give all users the same password as set in the default password setting. See Editing the Integration Module below for more information.
Run={ProjectName}This will run a Project.
Specification={SpecificationName}This will display the details of the existing Specification.
Specification={SpecificationName}&Operation={OperationName}This will perform an Operation on a particular Specification. The Operation must be a valid Operation, with all conditions met for the Specification, for this to run.
Specification={SpecificationName}&Transition={TransitionName}This will perform a Transition on a particular Specification. The Transition must be a valid Transition, with all conditions met for the Specification, for this to run.

Named Pairs

It is also possible for the URL to pass values into Constants and Form Controls in the Specification.

To do this each Constant or Form Control that is to receive the value must be prefixed with the string Parameter.

Click to EnlargeImage showing a Constant prefixed with the string Parameter in DriveWorks Administrator.

Click to EnlargeImage showing a Form Control prefixed with the string Parameter in DriveWorks Administrator.

When the Constants and Controls have been applied in DriveWorks Administrator the query string of your page URL must include these parameters without the Parameter prefix.

Constant or Control NameParameterDescription
ParameterLengthLength=1234This will pass the value 1234 into the Constant or Control named ParameterLength in the Project being run.
ParameterHeightHeight=963This will pass the value 963 into the Constant or Control named ParameterHeight in the Project being run.
ParameterLength and ParameterHeightLength=1234&Height=963This will pass the value 1234 into the Constant or Control named ParameterLength and the value 963 into the Constant or Control named ParameterHeight in the Project being run.
If a Constant and Control have the same name, for example ParameterWidth DriveWorks will give priority to the Constant.

Example URL

The table below gives example URLs that can be passed into DriveWorks Live.

http://www.mydomain.com/Integration?Run=MyProjectThis URL will go to www.mydomain.com (the DriveWorks Live URL), and run a new Specification based on the Project name MyProject.
http://www.mydomain.com/Integration?Specification=IS81951This URL will go to www.mydomain.com (the DriveWorks Live URL), and open the Specification history page for the Specification IS81951.
http://www.mydomain.com/Integration?Specification=IS81951&Operation=EditThis URL will go to www.mydomain.com (the DriveWorks Live URL), and open the Specification IS81951 by using the Edit Operation.
http://www.mydomain.com/Integration?Run=MyProject&Length=1234&Height=963This URL will go to www.mydomain.com (the DriveWorks Live URL), run a new Specification based on the Project name MyProject. And it will pass the values 1234 and 963 to their respective parameters Length and Height.
http://www.mydomain.com/Integration?Specification=IS81951&Transition=SubmitThis URL will go to www.mydomain.com (the DriveWorks Live URL), and Transition the Specification IS81951 to the Submit Transition.
The Specification must be in a State where it can be Transitioned and Submit must be a valid Transition in the Specification Flow.
http://www.mydomain.com/Integration?Specification=IS81951&Length=1234&Height=963This URL will go to www.mydomain.com (the DriveWorks Live URL), and pass the values 1234 and 963 to their respective parameters Length and Height in the existing Specification IS81951.

Escaping tags

When characters used in the structure of the URL are required as parameters or values to be passed into a Specification, the character must be encoded.

Common characters and their URL-encoding equivalent are listed in the table below:

ASCII CharacterURL-encoding

Example of an Escape Tag in use.

When the value My Company is required to be passed into a Constant named ParameterCompanyName, the URL will look like this:


For a complete list of URL Encoding References, please refer to this W3 Schools article.

Editing the Integration Module

The module can have the following settings applied:

Click to Enlarge

  • Default Username - The default Username used to log into the group via the Integration page.
  • Default Password - The default Password used to log into the group via the Integration page.
  • Auto Log In - Automatically logs the user specified by the settings above into the group. If this isn’t checked then Requires New Session and Requires Exact User will be ignored.
  • Requires New Session - Will log any current session out and log in with the details above.
  • Requires Exact User - When checked and the current logged in user is different from the user name coming from the URL, a new session will be started. When unchecked the same session will continue to be run.
  • Default Project Name - The name of the Project that will be run by default, unless any parameters being passed into it specify a different Project or Specification.
    If you are passing data into a Project that is hosted in an iFrame, you must:
    • Apply a value to the Default Project Name


    • Ensure the data being passed into the iFrame contains the Project or Specification in the URL

    See How To: Pass Data from a Website to a Specification Within an iFrame for more information.

Once the Edit link is clicked the Edit Module dialog will display, where the available settings can be applied:

To access settings for the Integration module:

1. Start Personal Web Edition or DriveWorks Live and Login when the Login page appears in your browser.2. Navigate to the Web page that contains the module to be edited.3. Switch to Editing Mode.4. Locate the module on the web page and click the Edit Link in the top right corner of the module

An inline frame is used to display a web page within a web page.

DriveWorks Live sites can be displayed within an inline frame on a website by using the <iframe> tag.

See HTML Iframes for more information.