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DriveWorks Pro 22
Upload Control

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Upload Control

The Upload Control displays a button on the user form that will launch a browser to locate and upload a file.

When the form control is applied the name entered will display as the caption for the form control. This can be changed by selecting the Text property.



Appearance - Border

Appearance - Picture

  • Picture

    The default picture to be shown for this control.

  • Picture (Hover)

    The picture to be shown when the control is in a hover state.

  • Picture (Pressed)

    The picture to be shown when the control is in a pressed state.

  • Picture Size Mode

    Controls how the picture will be sized to the control.

  • Picture Style

    Controls how the picture will appear on the control.

Appearance - Text

  • Font

    Specifies the font of the text shown in the control.

  • Text Color

    Specifies the color of the control's text.

  • Text Color (Disabled)

    Specifies the color of the control's text when the control is disabled.

  • Text Color (Hover)

    Specifies the color of the control's text when the control is in a hovered state.

  • Text Color (Pressed)

    Specifies the color of the control's text when the control is in a pressed state.

  • Text Horizontal Alignment

    Controls whether the text is horizontally aligned to the left, right or center


  • Default File Name

    The file name and path to use for the next uploaded file. If a file extension is omitted it will be taken from the uploaded file. It is possible to use prefixes such as <Project>.

  • Duplicate File Behavior

    Determines how duplicate files should be handled.

  • Enabled

    Controls whether the control is enabled (if the result is TRUE) or disabled (if the result is anything other than TRUE, e.g. FALSE).

  • Error Result

    Determines whether the value of the control is in error. The result of this rule is a string containing the error message if the value is in error, otherwise a blank string or the number zero.

  • File Filter

    The filter to use when picking a file to upload. E.g. Image File:png,jpg|Word File:doc,docx|Excel File:xls

  • File Size Limit

    The limit on the size of the file that can be uploaded. The units can be specified, or bytes will be assumed.

  • On Upload Complete Macro

    The name of the macro to call when uploading of a file is complete. The macro's argument will be the name of this control.

  • Tab Index

    Configures the position of the control in the form tab order.

  • Visible

    Determines whether the control is visible (TRUE) or hidden (FALSE).


  • (Metadata)

    Optional text which can be used to provide information belonging to or about a control. For example, a list of CSS classes which can be parsed and applied to the control using the Integration Theme in DriveWorks Live. This doesn't affect the control's behavior.

  • (Name)

    The name of the control

  • (Tag)

    Optional text which can be used to describe the control, but which doesn't affect the control's behavior.

  • Tooltip Duration

    Controls the duration, in seconds, for which the tooltip will remain visible. Values of 0 and below indicate an infinite duration.

  • Tooltip Text

    Specifies the text to display in a tooltip when hovering over the control.


  • Height

    Controls the height of the control.

  • Left

    Controls the left position of the control.

  • Top

    Controls the top position of the control.

  • Width

    Controls the width of the control.

Using The Upload Control With DriveWorks Live

When an Implementation allows users to upload files from a browser (through DriveWorks Live) the scenarios below outline additional settings that should be applied.

Web or Application Theme Without IIS

When using the Web or Application Theme directly (not through IIS) no further settings are required.

Web or Application Theme With IIS

When running the Web or Application Theme through IIS, the following settings need to be applied in the web.config file:

Integration Theme Without IIS

When running the Integration Theme directly (not through IIS) the following settings need to be applied in the DriveWorksConfigUser.xml file:

Integration theme With IIS

When running the Integration Theme through IIS the following settings need to be applied in the DriveWorksConfigUser.xml file:

Also, the following setting is required to be applied in the Internet Information Services Manager.

  • Maximum allowed content length

    This is set through Request Filtering in the IIS Manager, see File Upload Limits for more information.

A user form control that, when selected, will allow a file to be uploaded to the specification.