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Release Notes

DriveWorks 20 SP2

Supported Versions


SOLIDWORKS 2023 is fully supported

SOLIDWORKS 2022, 2021 and 2020

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows 11 is fully supported

Microsoft Windows 10 and 8.1


Continual development to support the management of an enterprise wide deployment.

  • Integration Theme (Server API Docs) "driveApp" and "id" query parameters documented at the endpoint POST api/{groupAlias}/specifications/{projectName}.
  • Integration Theme (Example Sites), titles used in the README files are consistent with the actual examples.
  • Integration Theme (Corporate Website) un-used "currentItem" has been removed from the image gallery logic. Details view constants have been re-ordered.
  • DriveWorks Live installs the latest jQuery (1.7.0) and jQuery UI (1.12.1) that overcomes some vulnerability issues in earlier versions of jQuery.
  • Integration Theme (Example Sites) - README files, periods at the end of bullet points are now consistent.
  • Integration Theme - Timeout settings in the DriveWorksConfig.xml file match the order of precedence.
  • DriveApps can be provisioned on a Microsoft Azure database.

Usability & UX

Focused visual updates and enhancements add further functionality across DriveWorks.

DriveApps (All)

DriveApps (Scheduler)

  • The distance between input boxes and any following headers has been increased to distinguish between sections on all Jobs.
  • The fonts used for the available Autopilots table are now consistent when not selected.
  • The quantity of filtered items is displayed at the foot of the table when filtering the Jobs list.
  • A warning is given when a new Job has the same name as an existing Job.
  • File System jobs allow quotations to be used in file path inputs, allowing direct pasting from the Windows Explorer feature Copy as path.
  • The font color for warnings, given when the Job name is not unique or a Shared Group is not in use, is now red making them more noticeable.
  • The Job, Invoke Transition on Named Specification, accepts a Specification Name.
  • The Job, Folder Change allows quotations to be used in file path inputs, allowing direct pasting from the Windows Explorer feature Copy as path.

DriveApps (Dashboard)

  • Tile layout adjusts to fill the space left by tiles that become hidden (due to permission settings).
  • The icon used when running SQL scripts on initialization is more appropriate.
  • Edit Dashboard settings has been renamed to Dashboard Manager.
  • When setting up a tile, the size of the required image is clearly displayed.
  • Tile description allows rules to be applied without enforcing the character limit.
  • All references update when a Dashboard is renamed to include a single quotation in the name.
  • Security Data Provider UI is now consistent with other areas.

DriveApps (Dashboard and CPQ)

  • Unnecessary static fonts have been removed from the font selection list.
  • Translate DriveApps into as many languages as necessary with a new simplified and scalable language setting for:
  • All displayed tiles honor the permission settings of users belonging to multiple Teams.
  • List Data Provider Project Template includes the ability to use sub-lists (List Data Provider with Sub-Lists Template has been removed).