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DriveWorks Pro 21
Export Non Stock Item

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SYSPRO - Export Non Stock Item

Exports a non stock item from the SYSPRO Implementation.


Code No longer than 30 characters.
Description No longer than 30 characters.
Long description No longer than 30 characters.
Warehouse RM = Raw material, SA = Sub-Assemblies, FG = Finished Goods.
Part category B = Bought out, M = Made In.
Product Class SPEC = Special
Temple Routing Data A Table array value with no headers, of the necessary routing operations with columns OperationNumber, WorkCentre, SetUpTime, RunTime, AdditionalFields.
Price Code A-Z
Price Price - must be a number, do not include currency symbol.
Additional Field Data Not required. If used, must be in the format FieldName1=FieldValue1|FieldName2=FieldValue2|FieldName3=FieldValue3.
Variable Category Path The path to the variable category that the BOM items are in.
Item Code Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item code.
Item Qty Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item quantity.
Item Description Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item description.
Item Warehouse Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item warehouse.
Item Part Category Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item part category.
Item Product Class Prefix The prefix used for each variable that cThe prefix used for each variable that contains an item product class.
Item Price Code Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item price code.
Item Price Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item price.
Item Additional Fields Prefix The prefix used for each variable that contains an item additional fields (Pipe bar delimited list, for example 'FirstField=Firstvalue|SecondField=SecondValue'.
Result Constant Constant Name for returning the SYSPRO Item Number.
Output to File True to save XML data to file, False to use Web Services.

Visit the SYSPRO PowerPack page to learn more.