DriveWorks Tasks
All tasks that can be performed on a Group, using Data Management, are available from DriveWorks Tasks.
These include:
- Copy Group - Allows group data to be selected and copied to a new or existing group. Any group type can be copied to any another group type (Individual to Individual, Shared to Individual, Individual to Shared and Shared to Shared).
- Pack and Go - Incorporates the functionality of Copy Group and will package all files for easy distribution.
- Import Project - bring an entire project, from another group, into the current group that is open in Data Management.
- Import Specification - preserve specification history, from a production group, by importing into a development group prior to going live with any modifications.
- Import Components - Import captured models and all their captured parameters from another group.

When opening a group created in an earlier version of DriveWorks you will be prompted to upgrade the group.

Selecting Yes will upgrade the group to the current version. This version cannot be opened in earlier versions of DriveWorks.
Selecting No will cancel the operation.