The CPQ Custom Item form template allows a custom product configurator to be added to the DriveWorks CPQ DriveApp.
This allows the necessary Form Controls, Specification Macros and Constants to be added to an existing configurator project.
This guide explains how to use the Custom Item form template to enable a configurator project to be added to DriveWorks CPQ.
A new user form must be added to the configurator project. so all the necessary controls and data
This will inject the necessary controls and data to integrate correctly with the DriveWorks CPQ DriveApp.
The last thing to do before setup is complete is to update the value of two Variables:
The TransitionToRun Variable is used to determine the Transition that runs when the Add\Update a Custom Item is selected.
The rule for this property needs to result in the name of a Transition you want to run in the Specification Flow when a user has completed specifying the Project.
The other Variable required to be changed is the BaseCustomPrice Variable.
This can be found in the DriveAppData > Pricing Category.
This Variable should result in the price of the Custom Item before the exchange rate has been applied.
The exchange rate is passed down from the Order and applied to the Total Price separately.
The rule for this property needs to result in the price of your configured item, before discounts and exchange rates have been applied (this is done automatically in some other variables).
If the CPQ Custom Item Form Template was added to the Project in DriveWorks v20.2, please follow the steps below.
The two instances of the constant appear on lines 4 and 13 (displayed when Show Line Numbers is checked).
This Form contains various Form Controls that can be used to display the Price of the Custom Item to a user.
These controls can be adopted or replaced with existing controls in the configurator project.
Please be aware of the following before doing this:
When replacing this button with a button in your existing Project, the new button must run the same Macro as the AddToOrder button would have done.
Copy and paste the rule in the Macro Name Property into the existing Macro Button on the Form if this is required.
The total price is passed into the CPQ DriveApp Order. If these controls are not required in your Configurator, hide the them using the Visibility Property.
This will prevent any errors with the pricing.
It is recommended that this Label remains to inform users that the Configurator is Locked.
We recommend that the following Rule is added to disable Form Controls in the Project when it is locked.
DWConstantMode="Add" OR DWConstantLockStatus = DWCurrentUserDisplayName
Locking a Project’s Controls using the rule above prevents multiple people editing the same Line Item at the same time (therefore overwriting each other’s changes). See the Enabled Property of the Quantity Control.
A number of variables are created with the Form Template. Most of these are needed for linking the configurator with the CPQ DriveApp Database.
If the Configurator is to be linked with the Appearances set in the DriveApp Settings (Fonts etc) use the Variables in the DriveAppStandards folder.
This folder contains Variables for Font Size and Color, Date Format and Color Scheme.
A customized Specification Flow is compatible with the Custom Item template.
However, if the Custom Item is to be edited from the Orders ensure there is a Transition named ‘Edit’ on the State which the Project is transitioned into after specifying.
An example of a Specification Flow that could be used alongside the DriveWorks CPQ DriveApp can be found here: CPQ-Custom Item Specification Flow.
The first step is to add a new Custom Item into CPQ, using the Project you added the Custom Item Form Template to as the Project to Run.
The final Step is to add the Custom Item to the Catalog.
Follow the steps in the CPQ Quick Start Guide to set up the Default Initial Category for the Catalog.
The new Custom Item will now be available to add as a Line Item to a CPQ Order.