Security Settings
The security settings task provides the ability to create Users, and Teams of users in order to control who can edit and specify projects, and work with captured information.

The Security Settings window lists all users and Teams that have been added to the Group.
The Security Settings list can be be filtered by using the filter at the top of the list.
Please see the topic How To Use Filters for more advanced filtering information.
Or it can be sorted by clicking on one of the column headings:
- Name - the name given to the Team or User.
- Type - if the item is a Team or User.
- Login Name - the login name given to the User.
- Email Address - the email address given to the User.
- Teams - the name of the Team or Teams the user belongs to.
- Edit Projects - the names of the Projects the Team has Edit permissions for.
- Run Projects - the names of the Projects the Team has Run permissions for.
To Create a New User
- Click the New User button on the command bar
- Give the user a name
- Click OK
- Setup any additional options on the Edit User dialog that appears
- Click OK
To Rename a User
- Select the user in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Rename button on the command bar
- Change the user's name
- Press Enter/Return to save the user with the new name
To Edit a User's Level, Details, and Membership
- Select the user in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Edit button on the command bar, a dialog will appear with two tabs General and Teams
- When finished editing the user's details, click OK to save them, or Cancel to leave without saving them.
General Tab
- Display Name: The displayed name of the user.
- Email Address: The email address of the user.
- Team Leader: Controls whether the user can see only their own specifications, or all specifications created by users in the same Teams.
- Enabled: Control's whether the user can log in.
Teams Tab
The Teams tab shows all Teams in the group with a check box which can be checked to make the user a member of that Team.
To Reset a User's Password
- Select the user in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Reset Password button on the command bar.
- Type in the new password for the user.
- Type in the new password for the user again to confirm.
- Click OK to reset the user's password.
Changing the default Admin passwordThe default Admin password can be changed and we do recommend this is done. However, once changed it is irretrievable if lost or forgotten.
Please take care to remember the Admin password.
It can be reset by DriveWorks Ltd. However this may incur a charge.
To Delete a User
- Select the user in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Delete button on the command bar.
When deleting a User the following warning will be displayed.

This warning asks if you are sure the user is to be deleted.
This action cannot be undone.
In general we recommend users are disabled rather than deleted.
See the Enabled option under the General Tab heading above.
To Create a New Team
- Click the New Team button on the command bar
- Give the Team a name
- Click OK
- Setup any additional options on the Edit Team dialog that appears
- Click OK
To Edit a Team's Members, and Permissions
- Select the Team in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Edit button on the command bar, a dialog will appear with three tabs General, Project Permissions, and Users
- When finished editing the Team's details, click OK to save them, or Cancel to leave without saving them.
General Tab
The general tab shows various details and permissions applied to the Team directly.
Project Permissions Tab
The project permissions tab shows what permissions members of the Team have to each project in the group.
To change the permissions for a project, select it, and check/uncheck the permissions that should be granted/removed.
- Edit Project: Users in the Team will have the ability to edit the project in the project designer when this option is checked.
Enabling Edit permissions makes the Users in the Team administrators of that project.
Therefore the Project Setting Hide Project from non-administrators, when checked, will not apply to this Team i.e. The project will not be hidden.
- Run Project: Users in the Team will have the ability to use the specification explorer to create new specifications from the project when this option is checked.
Users Tab
The users tab shows the users which are members of the Team.
To add/remove users to/from the Team, simply check/uncheck the box next to the users to modify.
Group Table Permissions Tab
If more than one DriveWorks Administrators are responsible for the projects held in the group, permissions to access the Group Table table data can be restricted.

To change permissions for Group Table access:
- Open the Group in DriveWorks Administrator and go to Stage 1: Group Setup> Security Settings
- Select the Team for which the Group Table Permissions are to be set.
- Click Edit from the command bar to launch the Edit Team dialog.
- Select the Group Table Permissions tab.
- Select the Group Table from the list and then check the permission option for that table. Available permissions are:
- None - The Team cannot View or Edit the Group Table
- View - The Team can view the Group Table only.
- Edit - The Team can View and Edit the Group Table.
To Rename a Team
- Select the Team in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Rename button on the command bar
- Change the Team's name
- Press Enter/Return to save the Team with the new name
To Delete a Team
- Select the Team in the list of users and Teams
- Click the Delete button on the command bar.
When deleting a Team the following warning will be displayed.

This warning asks if you are sure the Team is to be deleted.
This action cannot be undone.
The list of Teams and Users is refreshed by clicking the Refresh button from the command bar.
When a Project in the Group uses any of the Security Tasks (for example Add New Team) the Team and User data can become out of sync.
Use the Refresh button to get the latest Security data.
Additional Resources
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Users are added to teams to control their access to projects.
Each user has a name and a password which they use to log on to a
Teams are groups of users. Each team has a configurable set of
permissions which govern whether the users in that team can capture
models, and edit and/or specify certain projects in the group.