This Specification Macro Task will import a named Sheet from Excel into an existing Simple Table.
Other Table types (Excel, ODBC, SQL, Rollup, Calculation or Group Data Tables) are not supported.
Property Name | Description |
Title | Changes the Title (not the name) of the task. |
File Name | The file name of the spreadsheet. |
Sheet Name(s) | The name of the sheet to pull the data from. This can be the sheet name or the index of the sheet. Pipe-bar (|) delimit this string for multiple sheets. |
ShowExcel | The workbook will be visible if set to TRUE. |
Simple Table Name | The name of the DriveWorks Simple Table that the sheet will be written to (when importing multiple sheets, use a pipebar (|) delimited list of Table names). |
Sheet Name Return Constant | The name of the Constant that the imported sheet names will be written to. |
Table Name return Constant | The name of the Constant that the imported Table names will be written to. |
Maximum Rows | The maximum number of rows to retrieve from each Table (use 0 for all rows). |
When this Task is added the properties are static. To be able to build rules on a static property see How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property.
Property Name | Example Rule | Example Result | Meaning |
File Name | "C:\MyDocuments\ExcelFiles\ExcelData.xlsx" | C:\MyDocuments\ExcelFiles\ExcelData.xlsx | This is the Full File Path of the Excel file to use. |
Sheet Name(s) | "DataToUse" | DataToUse | This is the name of the Sheet in the Excel file to take the data from to insert into the specified Simple Table. |
Show Excel | TRUE | TRUE | This will show the opening of the Excel Application when the Task is run. |
Simple Table Name | "ProductData" | ProductData | This is the name of an existing Simple Table in that the data will be inserted into. |
Sheet Name Return Constant | "DWConstantSheetName" | SheetName | This is the name of the Constant that will report back with the Excel Sheet name that took the data from to insert into the Simple Table. |
Table Name Return Constant | "DWConstantTable" | DWConstantTable | This is the name of the Constant that will report back with the Table that the Data was inserted into. |
Maximum Rows | 0 | 0 | This will use all the Rows in the Excel document. |
This task supports Status Outputs. These can be used to perform different actions depending on what the status outcome of the task is. For more information see Status Outputs in the Task Node Outputs section of Specification Macros Task Node.
The status output navigation is as follows:
Success with Warnings
Failed (one of the following occurred).