The Delete Feature Generation Task will delete the named feature in the Model it runs on.
Property Name | Description |
(Name) | The unique name for this task. |
Delete Absorbed | TRUE to delete absorbed features, FALSE to keep them. |
Delete Children | TRUE to delete child features, FALSE to keep them. |
Feature Name | The name of the feature to delete. |
When this Generation task is added the properties are static by default.
See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property to enable rules to be built on these properties.
Property Name | Example Rule | Example Result | Meaning |
Delete Absorbed | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE Will Delete Absorbed Features. FALSE will keep them. |
Delete Children | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE will Delete the Child Features. FALSE will keep them. |
Feature Name | "Boss-Extrude4" | Boss-Extrude4 | The Name of the Feature to Delete. |
This Task can be added to the following Generation Sequence(s):