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DriveWorks Pro 22

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Returns data from any SYSPRO table as an array.


Method 1

SysproGetTableData([TableName], [Column List], [Number of Rows to Return], [Order Column])

Method 2

SysproGetTableData([TableName], [Column List], [Number of Rows to Return], [Order Column], [Include Headers])

Method 3

SysproGetTableData([TableName], [Column List], [Number of Rows to Return], [Order Column], [Condition Column], [Condition Text], [Condition Value], [Include Headers])


TableName is the SYSPRO table from which the data will be pulled.

Column List is a pipebar (|) delimited list of columns to return.

Number of Rows to Return is the number of rows to return. Use 0 (Zero) to return all matching rows.

Order Column is the column to use for ordering ascending. Leave blank for no ordering.

Include Headers is TRUE to include the header row, FALSE to exclude.

Condition Column is the name of the column the condition is to be applied.

Condition Text is the condition text. See table below.

Condition Value is the value to compare.


Condition TextCondition ValueMeaning
GT280Condition Column will be compared to a value greater than 280
GE280Condition Column will be compared to a value greater than or equal to 280
LT280Condition Column will be compared to a value less than 280
LE280Condition Column will be compared to a value less than or equal to 280
EQ280Condition Column will be compared to a value equal to 280
NE280Condition Column will be compared to a value not equal to 280
LIKE*Condition Column will be compared to * (returns all records)



SysproGetTableData("Customers","Name|Contact",5,"Contact","Name","Like","*",TRUE) Returns the records from the Name and Contact columns of the Customers table, where the Name column matches * (all records). Includes Headers.

Visit the SYSPRO PowerPack page to learn more.